2. Meeting the Family

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"Everything's going to be fine."

"How do you know? Your grandfather is such a kind man, I feel horrible lying to him."

"He started this, he wants me to get married, I'll get married. He didn't specify that we have to stay married." Paisley takes a deep breath. "Why did you agree to do this if you feel so bad about lying?"

"I have my reasons."

"What, the money? I never thought you were the type to count on money."

"I have my reasons for needing that money." She scowls.

"Which are?"

"They're none of your business is what they are."

The rest of the drive to my grandfather's house is silent. Paisley stares out the window while I think about what I'm getting into. I'm sacrificing over a year of my life for this company...

When I car stops I open the door. "Wait there, I'll get the door for you." I help Paisley out of the car and place her arm in the crook of mine.

"Just be yourself." I pat her shaking hand. "He's going to approve and if you play your part right we'll be in and out of this marriage in a little over a year. I'll have my company and you'll have a million dollars for your secret reasons."

"Great." She breathes as we walk up the front porch.

"Ready?" I can't have her freaking out and backing out in front of my family.

She inhales and exhales deeply before nodding. "I'm your fiancé and I'm completely in love with you."

"And I you." I know in the massive oak door. "Let's get this over with."

"Mr. Hayes, Miss.?" My grandparent's butler opens the door.

"Mason, this is Miss. Duke, my fiancé." The word fiancé leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, like I can taste the loss of my freedom. Mason's steps falter. "Miss. Duke," Mason faces Paisley. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Please, call me Paisley." She smiles at Mason.

"Sebastian." Grandfather approaches us. "Ah, Paisley, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"Grandfather, it's nice to see that you're on good terms with Paisley, my fiancé."

"Really?" His smile grows. "Where's the ring?"

Paisley lifts her left hand to show him the ring while I wrap an arm around her waist. I feel her body stiffen for a few seconds before relaxing.

"Winter is my favorite season so Seb found an engagement ring that looks like a snowflake."

"It's a gorgeous ring Paisley."

"Master Hayes," Mason approaches my grandfather who turns toward him. "Dinner is being served in the dining room."

"Everyone else here?" I ask my grandfather.

"Yes," He nods. "We were waiting for you."

I grab Paisley's hand. "Come."

Grandfather leads us into the dining room where the rest of the family is seated. My parents sit together with my brother Harry, his wife Jenna, their three kids- Jason, Hailey, and Jackson- next to them is my sister Claire, her husband Charlie, and their daughter Charlotte.

"Uncle Bastian!" My three year old niece, Charlotte, shouts jumping out of her chair and running towards me.

"Hey Char." I laugh, picking her up. "How you doing darling?"

"Good." She rests her chin on my shoulder and starts twirling a lock on my hair around her finger. Her finger suddenly freezes. "What's wrong Charlotte?" It's then that I notice the room is completely silent. All my family members have their eye glued on something behind me. Oh right, Paisley...

"Paisley, this is my family."

"Family," Everyone's eyes snap to me. Here goes nothing. "This is Paisley, my fiancé."

My mother gasps and my brother chokes on his whine. My sister and sister-in-law both squeal.

"Uncle Sebastian?" I look at six year old Hailey. "Can I be the flower girl?"

"You have to ask Paisley." I already told Paisley she would be in charge of the whole wedding. I would pay but other than that, I wanted nothing to do with it.

"Of course you can!" Paisley smiles at my niece. "You'd make a beautiful flower girl."

"Yay!"  Hailey squeals. "Can I call you Aunt Paisley now?"

"Um..." Paisley looks at me but I don't say anything. Instead I raise an eyebrow letting her decide. If she says yes it will show her trying to become a part of the Hayes family. It'll make our lie a bit more believable. "Yes, you can call me Aunt Paisley."

"Oh, you're so sweet!" My grandmother walks into the dining room and immediately pulls Paisley into a hug. My grandfather watches from behind- a small smile on his face.


Chapter two! Flashback chapter- what do we think? I'm excited for this story to actually get going!!

'After Five Years' has also been updated; be sure to check it out!

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