14. No Hope

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"So did these things occur before or after you slept with his fiancé?"

"Paisley, I- I can explain that." I was a dick in college.

"I don't want you to explain it, Sebastian. I just..." She sighs, disappointment clear in her voice. "Just quit whatever you're trying to do."

Loud banging wakes me from my drunken slumber.

"Landon, the door." I groan, throwing my pillow over my head. When the knocking continues, I heave myself out of bed.

Fucking persistent.

"What?" I growl, yanking the door open.

"Hi, Sebastian," Landon's fiancée, Brittany, tucks a piece of bleach blonde hair behind her ear. Her high pitched voice is like nails on a chalkboard to my hungover mind.

"He's at practice." I tell her, trying to close the door but she stops me.

"I'm not looking for Landon." She whispers, now twirling a few strands of hair on her finger. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's flirting.

She stands straighter, and my eyes zero in on her fake boobs."You have quite a reputation around campus Sebastian," Her French manicured finger comes up and slowly makes its way down my bare chest.

Her comment about my reputation brings a smirk to my face. Yeah, I've got a reputation around campus; and its a great one. I'm about ready to this chick how great when I remember she's Landon's fiancee- a big no-no.

"You're engaged to my-" Friend? Buddy? "Roommate."

"Engaged isn't married." She says seductively, moving her hands to the band of my boxers.

She has a point.

"I just want one last bit of fun before being tied down to Landon for the rest of my life." Her dark red lips pucker out, and her hand suddenly moves down further.

Who am I to deny a woman practically begging for sex?

With that thought, I drag her into the dorm room.


"Brittney?" Landon questions, walking into the dorm, his eyes immediately going to his girlfriend on our couch.


Blondie instantly freezes, her bra not yet fully snapped on.

"Landon." She breathes, traces of sweat still on her forehead.

"What the fuck is going on?" He asks, but judging by the look on his face- he knows.

It's quite obvious; I'm naked, she's half naked, an idiot could tell what happened in here.

His rage-filled face turns to me, and I decide right then and there, I'll give him one hit. He can have one good punch, but that's it.

Before I can blink, he's across the room yanking this chick off the couch and dragging her toward the door.

Ignoring her crying and his shouting, I grab my boxers from the floor and slip them on.

"I'm fucking serious Brittany! I want my mom's ring back."

"No, Landon," She wails like... like a whale. "It was a one-time thing. I- I- I just w-wanted," She's sobbing now. "To do something spontaneous before we're married."

"Skydiving is spontaneous Brit. Sleeping with my roommate is just stupid." Now I'm starting to feel bad... "The ring... Now!!!"

"No!" I feel like I should move from the couch or something. "Ow, Landon! Stop! That hurts!"

"Don't fucking speak to me again." He growls out. "I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you. We are done." The door slams closed and I slowly stand. After listening to that, he might deserve three punches.

Landon rests his head against the door, not glancing at me.

The only sound is his ex-fiancées sobs on the other side of the mahogany door.

Landon suddenly raises his fists and beats against the door. After a few minutes his fists slow down, and he turns to me.

"You sick son of a bitch." He growls, walking towards me and I notice the blood dripping from his knuckles. My body instantly tenses, bracing itself for the incoming hit.

"You're pathetic, Sebastian." He spits, venomously. "I'm not gonna hit you. No. Just wait, one day there will be a moment where I have the opportunity to make you hurt just as much as I do. And when that opportunity comes, I will not hesitate to destroy you."

"He asked me to marry him." She says, her words knocking the wind out me. They hit my chest like a train speeding straight through my heart.

My eyes catch the sparkle on her ring finger, and it's not from my ring.

"You said yes." Shock and sorrow are the only emotions I can feel.

"I did. I made sure to tell him how important you are to me and he's promised to be civil. After what you did," No emotion has ever been clearer than the disappointment in her eyes. "I will not ask any more of him. The question, Sebastian, is can you be civil?"

"Yes," Emotion currently clogs my throat. "I can be civil."

"Good!" She chirps, her personality doing a one-eighty. "I'm late meeting Landon for lunch, but I still want to see your house." She says, turning to leave. "Bye."

As she walks away, it feels as if a part of me follows after her. Something is missing.

I realize what it is when I get back to my office.

It's hope; all hope I had of winning her over has vanished.


'Remembering Us' is at 10,000 reads!!!

Okay, I know this is crazy, but I'm posting the cast list for a new story on Wednesday so keep your eyes peeled!😁 (The updates will be incredibly slow- fair warning)

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