19. Grandfather and Hospitals

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"Sebastian?" My grandfather appearance has me looking up from the computer screen. "What are you doing?"

"Working." I grunt knowing that's not what he's asking but I don't give a fuck.

I'm pissed at the world, and while I'm trying to reign it in I know I'm failing.

Just this morning my personal assistant had a cup of hot coffee thrown at her for no reason other than that it didn't taste right.

"I mean what are you doing here.. while Paisley is at Bella Mariée."

"Not ruining her dream day." I mutter, looking back at the house design on my laptop.

"Sebastian, I'm all for taking it slow but she's planning on getting married in two weeks."

"Yes, she is, which is why she's having a final dress fitting today."

"When were you planning on stopping that?"

My eyes stay glued to the architect's plans. "I'm not."

His look at the desk, noticing the bottle of Jack.
"Sebastian, it's ten in the morning."

"An astute observation." I mumble, approving the plans.

"Damnit Sebastian, show me some damn respect."

"No, you show me some! The woman I love is getting married."

"Then get your head out of your ass and get her."

"She is happy. I may not be but she is. And I hope you are too."

"Why would I be happy?"

"You fucking know why grandfather!" I shout slamming the laptop closed. "You wanted me to learn how to love so you forced a situation and now I feel like I'm being fucking crushed. But, hey, I know what love is so thanks."

White-faced and wide-eyed he stares at me.

"Really thanks." My tone is sarcastic but I'm actually trying to be sincere. "She's happy and it's what she deserves. Now, I am done" I all but growl. "Discussing this."

It's silent for a few moments but I didn't hear the door so I knew he's still there.

"Was there something else you needed?" I look up and I'm terrified by what I see.

Grandfather is clutching his chest, gasping for a breath.


His looks at and for the first time in my life I see fear in his eyes.

Before I can stand he crumples to the ground.

I stand so quickly my black leather office chair falls over. "Candice!" I scream for my new personal assistant.

"Grandfather?" I roll him onto his back and check for a pulse. God, no.

"Call 911!" I demand when I hear a gasp.

"They're on their way." She comes back a few moments later while I'm taking my suit jacket off, she's brought back a First Aid kit and an AED.

"I don't see him breathing and I couldn't find a pulse. Double check for me."

She quickly ties her dark hair while kneeling down. She looks at me and Solomon shakes her head. "I'm certified and you've been drinking." She stops me when I kneel to start CPR.

"Watch my compressions and set up the AED." I lace my fingers together and rest them on my grandfather's chest.

"Come on!" I growl after I've done two round of compressions and breaths.

"Stand clear." The robot voice of the AED stops me and I lift my hands.

It's silent for a moment before the voice continues. "Shock delivered, continue CPR."

"Damnit." I growl, resuming chest compressions. 

Before I know it, someone else is beside me. "Hey, I can take over." 

I lean back and let EMS take over. They let the AED deliver another shock and Grandfather suddenly gasps.

"Grandfather!" I launch forward and a paramedic shoves me back. 

"Stay back."

In a rush, they load him onto a gurney and load him into an ambulance. 

"Call everyone on the emergency contact list." I tell Candice, grabbing the keys to the Porsche.

"Sir, you've been drinking."

"Make the calls." I grit. "Or you will be fired."

She looks hesitant but goes back to her desk.

Within the next hour, the entire Hayes family including Mark and Emily are waiting in the family waiting room.

"Mrs. Hayes?" Everyone looks at the doctor as he enters the room, and I help my grandmother stand so she can approach him.

They quietly mumble in the corner before my grandmother turns back to the family.

"Heart attack." Is all I hear before storming out of the room. 

I need a drink. 

*Later That Evening*

I'm completely wasted when I stumble out of the bar a few hours later. 

Wobbling, as I put one foot in front of the other, I get into my car.

Thankfully the hospital is just up the road. 

The elevator up makes me sick and I resist the urge to vomit.

When the elevator doors open the bright light practically blind me. 

"Sebastian?" Paisley's voice sobers me up instantly. 

"What are you-"

"Did you drive here?"

I ignore her since she's the reason we're all here. 

"Sebastian," She screeches when I walk away. "You drove drunk?"

"Yup." I let out a deep breath. 

Suddenly my face stings. "You disgust me. You could have killed someone!" She reaches her hand up again and I grab it. 

"Why are you even here? Doesn't matter." I answer my own question. "Leave."

"I'm here because Grandfather had a heart attack..." She mutters softly. 

"My grandfather had a heart attack." I snap.   "We're divorced. This is not your family, therefore not your concern." 

"You're right." She whispers as her eyes fill with tears but I'm too angry to care. "I'll leave."

She turns, and I watch as she practically sprints away.

When I turn back around my family stares at me. 

Teary-eyed, my grandmother shakes her head. "He would be so disappointed." Is the only thing she says before looking away.



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