Another Epilogue

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Just Because I Really Don't Want This Story To End.

Silas sleepily plays with my tie.

"Hi champ, Daddy missed you too." I nuzzle my nose into his neck, inhaling his sweet baby scent. "Did mommy miss me, huh?" I ask, looking up at Paisley.

"Daddy knows Mommy missed him." She watches as Silas rest his head against my shoulder, smiling softly. "She hates when he has to leave."

"Daddy!" Olivia suddenly comes running down the stairs, pink princess pajamas and all. Silas jumps and his bottom lip wobbles before he lets out a sharp cry. "Oops sorry."

"Shh, Silas, it's okay." I bounce him gently and wait till he quiets down. I hand him to Paisley before picking up Olivia who wraps her tiny arms around my neck.

"Shouldn't you be asleep little missy?" I glance and her and she pouts.

"But I missed you."

"How about I'll come read you a bed time story while Mommy puts Silas in his bed?"

"Okay," She grins wiggling to get set down. "I'll go pick a book!" She smiles, running back up the stairs.

"I missed you too." Paisley smirks, "Do I get a bed time story?"

"I had other thoughts." I grin at her as I reach up to her move her red silk robe slightly to the left. "Looks like you were having the same thoughts."

"But I really want to read this new book I bought." And if her continual smirk is anything to go by I think I want to read her new book to.

"Then read, I'm going to put our daughter in bed." I kiss her lightly before heading up the stairs.

"God, I've missed you." I whisper when I walk into our bedroom. The robe is gone, leaving her in the matching nighty. She looks up from her book, smiling.

"I missed you too."

"Are you gonna show me how much?" I ask, grinning. Then she raises the book up and I see the title.

Fuck me.

"I told you I was reading." She turns her head away from me. "There are some pictures in here if you wanna read with me."

"I think we should read books more often." Paisley pants and I laugh, my head falling into the crook of her neck.

"I think I should go out of town more often." I lift my head to look at her, flushed cheeks and damp forehead. "I like these welcome home surprises." Her eyes flutter closed when I brush her hair off her shoulder.

When they open she looks at me seriously. "You said no more going out of town."

"I was joking." I laugh, at her frown. "The project in Bali is finished and I'm not taking anymore projects that require me to travel unless you'll be able to go with me. I don't like being without you." I tell her seriously. "And don't sleep well."

She smiles softly before pulling my head down for a kiss. "No more traveling."

"I promise." I kiss her deeply, reveling the way her hands roam my body.

"Are you tired?" She whispers, peering up at me between her lashes and I shake my head. "Good." Her palms press against my lower back, forcing me down.


"Dada." I mutter, latching Silas's diaper. "Say Dada. Da. Da."

He simply babbles. "Mamamama." He suddenly babbles and Paisley screams from down the hall.

"I heard that!" She runs into the room. "I heard it on the monitor!"

"Traitor." I mumble pulling Silas's pants up. "You were supposed to say Dada first."

"Mamamama." He continues babbling, reaching for Paisley when he sees her.

"Livy said your name first." Paisley arches her eyebrow at me. "My sweet baby boy." She laughs, letting Silas snuggle against her.

"Mammmma." He hums between giggles, then plants his open mouth on Paisley's chest.

"That's my boy." I chuckle at my son as he get frustrated that he can't nurse through his mother's T-shirt.

"My word, Bash," she rolls her eyes, walking to the rocking chair in the corner of Silas's baby blue nursery. "Grow up."

She tugs her shirt up,allowing our son to get what he wants and calm down. After a moment I migrate toward her, watching as she calmly strokes the baby's few blonde curls.

Emotions suddenly flutter across her face from the longing smile, to the frown, to a grin.

"Where did your mind just go?" I question, towering above her.

"I want to freeze time." She whispers, softly, her strokes slowing. "My heart is so beyond full."

I smile down at her. "Same here."

"But there's room right?" She asks and I crouch down so I can be eye level with her.

"Room?" I question, frowning when she nods.

"For another?" She nods down to Silas who has stopped nursing, slowly drifting to sleep.

"Always." I try to keep my enthusiasm down, not wanting to wake my boy. "When?" I ask, not wanting to get too excited. She needs a few years, Silas is barely talking.

She shrugs, standing and tucking Silas into his sleeping wrap. "Awhile, but we could practice." She smirks, straightening before heading toward me. "A lot."

And I don't need to be told twice.

Here's a short blip.
I hope quarantine is going well.

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