10. Temptations

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"Are you ready?" I walk into Paisley's room as she puts a pair of earrings in. She looks ready, but with women, you never know.


"Oh." We actually don't have to leave for another fifteen minutes, I just didn't think she was ready. "Well, we should probably discuss what's going to happen tonight."

"More than me acting like a loving wife?" She looks at me in the mirror and I stand up straighter.

"Do you know what that entails?" I ask her, trying to hint that tonight will need more than handholding. Tonight is the Hopkins Hospital annual fundraiser. We've been married a week and everyone's eyes will be on us.

"Um, acting wifely?"

"Do you know how a wife acts?"

Her brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

I sigh. She's actually going to make me say it.

"You know we have to kiss and touch each other, right?"

"Oh, sorry, I thought that was a given." She chuckles. "Yes, I know."

"Are you okay with that?" I don't know why I care, but for some reason I want her to be comfortable.

"It's what you pay me the big bucks for." She says flatly, then laughs. "God, that sounded terrible."

A chuckle rumbles through me and Paisley's cheeks tint red and she uncomfortably messes with the black dress she's wearing.

"Sorry, yes, I'm okay with everything."

"Well, let's go then." Without waiting for her, I head downstairs.

She comes down the stairs a few moments later. The black dress that fits tightly against her body trails behind her. Her pale shoulders peek through the lace sleeves.

"Is this dress okay?"

It's more modest than I would have thought, but surprisingly it looks good on her.

"It's fine."

Once we're in the elevator she suddenly mumbles 'no way!' under her breath.


"This dress has pockets!" She has a shocked look on her face as she grins. Apparently, pockets are a good thing?

"That's cool?"

Her smile fades as she stares at me. "You don't understand my excitement do you?"

"Not really..." I chuckle. "I mean, they're just pockets."

"Take everything out of your pockets." She tells me right as the elevator doors open.


"Just do it."

As we both step out, I take everything out of my pockets. I now hold my wallet, phone, pocket watch, and a pack of gum in my hands.

"Now what?"

"Just hold it." She shrugs and walks toward the limo, getting in. Wait, what?

"Okay, I get it," I tell her once I've climbed into the limo. "Pockets are helpful."

"Exactly," She grins, satisfied that she taught me a lesson. "Imagine not having pockets. Then the one time you do they're stitched and surprise! They're fake."

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