⪻ 04 ⪼

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Dedicated to the person who leaves the best, most sincere and nice comments ever... Igotmadskills!

Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Make sure to show it some love and let me know what you're thinking!


Sleeping has always been my escape and my favourite time of the day; right after making my family breakfast.

Sleeping doesn't require human interaction whatsoever, which is great for an introvert. Once sleep takes over, it doesn't matter what stresses occurred that day, everything just relaxes. And in my dreamstate I can do whatever, or whomever, I please.

Thinking sleep is the answer to all my problems like it had been in the past, I assumed that tonight would be no different. But I was wrong, so far from right I wasn't even on the same spectrum.

Sleep betrayed me, betrayed me like the F-ing C-biscuit that is my ex. My dreams evaded at all costs and only nightmares pulled through, despite my efforts to push them away.

The car accident played on repeat in my head, from the screaming to the water seeping through. I saw my parents lifeless bodies floating in their seats with blood all around, mixing with the nearly clear blue water. I heard Edward's cries of pain and fear, the sound ringing my ears until everything was too much to take.

So it was no surprise to me when I was being shaken awake to free myself from the horrid pictures.

"Annabelle." The deep voice calls time and time again, my body shaking with the force of his hands on me. After hearing my name a few times, my eyes finally were able to spring open and be met with the green irises of my doctor's eyes.

Immediately, I pushed him out the way, trying to sit up but losing the battle when a sharp pain spread throughout my entire torso.

"Take it easy, Annabelle. Calm down, you're alright."

Surprisingly, his words actually soothe the demons in my head and before long I'm able to take a breath without cursing in horrendous pain.

"I'm so sorry; I was having a nightmare." Dr. styles, Harry, or whatever I should call him, gives me an apologetic look, causing me to internally grunt.

I hate that look, always have. I've seen it far too much in the last few months of my life.

Your boyfriend cheats on you a couple times and all of a sudden the only looks you get are out of pity.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I debate the question for a bit.

I'm really the type of girl that keeps everything in until it comes bubbling out and I'm lying on the floor having a meltdown. Unfortunately, I don't think in this instance that method will prove to be effective.

"The crash." I simply whisper, the words having troubles leaking from my chapped lips.

Admittance is the first step to recovery.

"I'm sorry." The doctor says, reaching for the remote that controls my bed. He motions to it silently and I give him the go ahead to sit me up.

"It's not your fault."

"No, I'm not sorry for that, well I am, I am sorry. I need to apologize for my attitude last night, or this morning actually. I was being too harsh on you and, well, I'm very sorry." I nod, not knowing what to say, my mind still coming down from the terrors.

Was I angry at him last night for trying to keep me from Edward? Of course. But was I angry at him for wanting what's best for me? I could never.

"I understand, you were just doing your job."

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