⪻ 09 ⪼

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An early update for you all because it's nearly Christmas (or it is in some parts of the world)! I hope you all have a lovely holiday season. Hopefully, I'll be able to update on Wednesday, but I'm currently on holiday so it may be late! There's no dedication this week, but only because this is an extra update so make sure you comment and vote for a dedication next update! Thank you all for such lovely feedback with Solace! I hope you enjoy!


Three days: the amount of time I've spent in this bloody hospital with nothing to do but panic, self loathe, and make arrangements.

Since Edward went to stay with Harry, I haven't had much social interaction with anybody.

Doctors come by, little is spoken between us. I only go as far as to answer about how I'm feeling. I don't need to befriend anymore hospital personnel.

Our family lawyer stopped by a few times, going over plans and wills. There's not a lot of speaking involved on my part, only a lot of reading, listening, and signing.

Then there's been the conversations with the funeral director. My parents went into his care shortly after the first visit with the lawyer and some other important names. According to the will, my parents wanted to be buried together in a local cemetery. The funeral director and I have had probably the most conversations, behind Harry and I.

Harry and I talk everyday, mostly about how Edward is doing and what my current condition is. I thought I'd be best for Edward to get as far away from the hospital scene as humanly possible. I don't want him to worry or get confused. So I asked Harry to keep him busy and away from me.

It's not that I don't love my brother to the fullest of my heart, I just can't confuse him with frequent visits from the funeral director and lawyer. Thankfully, according to Harry, he's been having fun, or so they're both leading me to believe.

To the benefit of us all, despite if I'm ready or not, I'm being released today. Dr. Payne, with close correlation with Dr. Styles, thinks a release today is under way. As soon as I was told, I had texted Harry and he replied back saying he'd pick me up, they both would.

Here I sit, in a glamorous pair of light blue scrubs waiting for the two boys to arrive and take me away from this place.

"May I enter?" I hear from the entrance into my room, along with a soft knock on wood. My head snaps in the direction, a small smile taking place on my lips as I see the man standing against the door.

"Hey, I thought today was your day off." I say, waving the doctor into my room. Niall strides in as if he owns the place and tosses down a pair of NIKE slides into my lap; my reflexes were never incredibly quick.

"It is." He replies. I thank him but remain a bit confused as to why he brought the shoes for me.

I asked Harry when I told him I was being released to bring me a pair of shoes because I'm currently shoeless. Meaning he's probably not going to show, great.

"Then what are you doing here?" I question, sliding the slippers onto my feet with ease.

"I'm here to drive you home. Edward apparently did not want to get up this morning." I let out a groan, mixed with a bit of a chuckle for my brother. Mornings were never really his thing.

I shake my head at my brother's inability to wake easily in the morning, my damp hair swaying side to side in the long plait that I've tied it in.

Finally, after three days in the hospital, Dr. Payne allowed me to take a well needed shower. I haven't felt this clean in a long time. Although the nurse standing right outside the curtain wasn't very pleasant, the water itself was.

"He probably just wanted Edward to be well rested for when you come home." Niall gushes, leaning up against the side of my bed and looking about the room. My eyes follow his, where they land on a few plastic bags on the chair at the side of my bed.

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