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Skipping a dedication this Tuesday just because I'm pressed for time!

I hope you enjoy xx


"Smith and Carlton Publishing. This is Annabelle, how may I assist you?"

What can I say? It's not the most glamorous job on the planet, but it does pay the bills.

"Hey, pretty girl." I don't have to receive a name to know exactly who the warm voice on the other line belongs to. Even when I'm bored out of my mind and incredibly stressed, he can still bring a smile to my lips.

"What do I owe this pleasure, Doctor Styles?" I ponder, trying to keep my voice as low as possible.

It's hard enough talking with him when the other receptionist, Victoria, is sitting right at my side, but if my boss were to hear, I'd be in so much trouble. I've been here for only about two weeks and I think she already hates me.

"I suppose you can thank utter boredom for this call." His voice is deep, mimicking how he usually sounds after just having woken up. Honestly, if his voice were any deeper in the mornings you wouldn't be able to hear him at all.

"Thank you boredom. How was your nap?"

Victoria, whom I've actually come to relatively enjoy, gives me a sideways glance, before shooting her eyes in the direction our our boss' office. Unfortunately for us, Ms. Michelle VanCarlton, has us stationed right outside her office so we can wait on her every beckoning order.

I guess when you marry the man who runs this company you're entitled to being in charge, even without employment experience.

"Quite lovely actually. I would prefer hanging out with you though." I giggle lightly, a small smile coming to my lips.

"You're too kind." I say into the receiver just as Victoria kicks me from underneath our shared desk space. My eyes run across the hall to the glass walls of Ms. VanCarlton's to see her eyeing the both of us from her desk. "Crap, my boss is staring at me."

"I should go, don't want to get you into any trouble, love." I clear my throat, slowly wiping the once happy look off my face.

"Yeah. I'll ring you later." I promise him, pretending to type something on the monitor in front of me so Ms. VanCarlton will quit her staring.

I still feel her gaze, even as I act as if I'm working hard, randomly typing a bunch of letters and numbers on my monitor to form something. I like to believe there is a reason she was placed in charge of a branch of people, but sadly I've still not found that reason.

"Goodbye, Belle." His sweet voice bellows into the phone; just like that my heart beginning to race like I'm running a marathon.

"Bye, have a wonderful day." I say, following the ending of our telephone call script.

Yes, the company does have a script to abide by when answering and speaking on the phone.

Gently, I put the telephone back into the holder, thanking the lord that Harry had gotten connected to me rather than Victoria. Too much commotion behind the desk would have caused Ms. VanCarlton to get up from her desk and investigate.

"Who was that?" I hear being whispered to me as I go back to the task I had been assigned this morning upon walking in the door.

Victoria, like myself, is a young woman just looking for some good money. She went to university for business, so unlike me she actually has some decent qualifications. Like I said, she's nice and not as snobbish as a lot of people in this office.

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