⪻ 12 ⪼

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This chapter is dedicated to... xAlwaysDreamx! 


Six hours, ten stitches, and a head CT later, Harry and I were free from the hands of unknown doctors poking and prodding around my upper half.

Whilst I insisted I was fine, Harry showed no mercy as he ordered for the best doctor in the hospital to tend to my care. He went as far as to threaten doing everything himself at the expense of their hospital if I wasn't taken care of right away.

Miraculously, I was tended to immediately after the outburst from my tall, brunette friend.

"How's the head?"

His voice is distant, it has been since the orders for me to see a good doctor. Perhaps he's finally realized that this "friendship" isn't professional and he should stay as far away from Edward and I as possible. Nothing good ever comes from befriending me, at least that's what I've discovered thus far in my life.

Is it fun being friendless and lonely? No, but at least it's quiet and somewhat peaceful.

"It's alright."

Not having known Harry for long doesn't allow me all the knowledge in the world as to how I'm supposed to handle this new mood.

We go silent again, the only sounds the engine beneath the bonnet of Harry's expensive car. I don't mind our silence, it's relaxing, somewhat. My nerves are still at a high whilst I ride shotgun in the car, but the medication the doctors gave me for my anxiety should do the trick... once I'm allowed to take them in a few days.

"Would you still like to stop for pizza?"

"Huh?" Harry peers over, slight confusion written on his face in the quick glance he's given me.

"Back at the house you said the only way you'd go with me to the hospital was if we got pizza afterwards."

I must have hit my head pretty hard if I said that. I don't even like pizza that much.

"Right. Um, I think I'd rather just go home. Kind of tired."

Again, silence. Neither of us make an attempt to speak. The only type of communication occurring is the pointing I'm doing to guide Harry back to the house. I just don't know what to say to him.

Thank you for taking care of Edward and I? How has your day been? Would you like to escape the drama this family brings?

"Did I do something to anger you or something?" The silence finally drives me to the point of no return, resulting in bringing light to the awkwardness surrounding us.

"What? No, of course not."

"It's just that you've been a bit quiet since the whole strop you had at the A&E." Harry clears his throat, shaking his hair out a bit.

"I'm sorry, I guess I just have a lot on my mind. I suppose I do get rather quiet after I leave hospitals, force of habit. After a long shift, you tend to just want silence." I chuckle lightly, licking my dry lips to give myself something to do.

"Would you rather me shut up or do you want to talk about what's on your mind?" I question, leaning against the centre console. Harry breaks a small grin in his bright pink lips and shrugs a bit.

"Promise you won't freak out?"

"I can't promise anything."

"I, uh," He begins, clearing his raspy voice a bit, "I think you and Edward should stay with me for a few days. You know, just until you get back on your feet. With your head injury, I don't think you should be without someone there, just in case."

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