⪻ 24 ⪼

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You guys are going to love this chapter xx


Best God dåmn burger I've ever had was right.

Harry took me to this rather traditional looking pub for the start of our second date. The whole atmosphere was exactly what you would expect from a English pub, complete with the sparse seating and men and women getting their Tuesday drink on. I'm pretty sure we were actually the only two that didn't actually drink, only partaking in the American style burger and chips they promised.

"So?" Harry asks as soon as we've stepped out of the pub. I turn back to look at him, doing my best not to trip over the heel of my ankle boots; an autumn look being worn in the spring, what can I say, I'm trendy. He looks expectant, as if wanting me to review the entire meal right out front.

"Okay, that was a really good burger." I admit, walking off towards his vehicle.

"I told you."

"Thank you for dinner." I call over my shoulder at him. I hear him chuckle lightly but not say anything.

Instead of continuing to follow along like I had intended, Harry reaches out and grabs my hand, stopping me in my tracks. With a light tug, I'm standing beside Harry, wondering what on earth he's thinking.

"Night's not over yet."

I didn't think there was actually going to be more to the evening, if I'm honest. The time was already nearing half-nine, just for the sole fact that we spent the last two hours just talking amongst the drinking fools.

"It's not, is it?" I wonder, trying to fight the smile off my lips. "Where are we off to next?" I question as Harry tugs us in the completely opposite direction of his vehicle.

I can't help but stare down at our intertwined fingers, his thumb gently rubbing over the back of my hand in a soothing rhythm. Would it be cliche to say that I hadn't felt comfort like this in a long time?

"You're about to find out." Harry's hand causes me to laugh loudly as it latches over my eyes, keeping me from seeing what's in front of us.

Jokes on him though, I had already seen the signage of the place he was leading us to. It was either a European Wax Centre or an Artisanal Ice Cream Shoppe, personally I was hoping and wishing for the Ice Cream place.

"Tada!" I burst out laughing as soon as Harry's hand has released my face, the pure excitement that Harry shows is refreshing. He's acting like Edward had when I surprised him with a tiny fish on his fourth birthday.

As you can tell with that situation, the excitement didn't last long, as the fish was no longer with us five days later. But with this, my happiness sticks around.

"Ice cream! How'd you know I'm not lactose intolerant?" I question Harry as he walks up to the shoppe's doors and pulls one open. He stops short in his place, turning and looking down at me. There's a smirk upon his lips, and I would be lying if I said it didn't make me melt inside.

"I've seen you smash an entire carton of Mint Chip before."

Yikes! He witnessed that and he's still around? Ladies and Gentlemen, I've found a keeper.

"Sorry you had to witness that."

The both of us entered the shoppe like eager children, both ordering double scoops of our preferred flavours: Harry with Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and I with Mint Chip. I had assumed we were going to enjoy the cooling sensation of ice cream within the confines of the shoppe, but Harry had other plans.

We walked with our ice cream down towards the walkway over the canals in Castlefield. There we found a small bench to perch ourselves upon whilst we ate.

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