⪻ 05 ⪼

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This chapter is dedicated to the amazing AnnabellU, who happens to have the same name as our main character!

I hope you like this chapter xx


I've learned through experience that CT Scans are a far cry from fun and you should always wee before going in.

Not ten minutes into the scan I found myself wincing and squirming slightly to relieve the ache in my bladder. Honestly, I don't remember when the last time I had gone before the scan was.

Ultimately, I got "yelled" at to keep my head still by the technician and when Harry asked if there was a problem I had to lie and say "I'm fine".

Life of an Introvert.

To say I was ecstatic at the end of the scan was an understatement, and not just because there was found to be nothing wrong with my head.

So after an amazing wee, with Harry standing right outside the door to my on-suite loo, I went straight back to bed to sleep for a few more hours, medical imaging and weeing taking a lot out of me.

So now I sit, with a hospital appointed, adolescent psychiatrist wrapping up her suggestions for speaking to Edward about the loss of our parents. She told me to use simple words, be honest with him, answer any questions he may have, and allow for all emotions to be shown; to name a few.

"And if you have any other questions about this, feel free to ring me. I know how hard this can be, not only for Edward, but for you as well. Again, I'm incredibly sorry for your losses."

The doctor stands after handing me a business card with her number on it. We shake hands briefly and I thank her for her help before she saunters out of the room on her three-inch heels.

Practically chucking the business card on the side table, I let out an audible mixture of a sigh and a groan, running a hand through my messy, unwashed hair.

Even with her helpful tips, I still have no idea how I'm to bring this up to Edward. Part of me wants to do this like ripping a plaster off, but the other half of me wants to ease into this.

"Knock, knock, you've got a visitor."

My head snaps towards the doorway to my right to see Niall standing hand-in-hand with Edward. Instead of wearing the child-sized hospital gown from last night, he's wearing a pair of sweatpants and a loose fitting tee.

"My main man!" I exclaim, smiling widely at the boy. He darts into the room, calling out my name in a high-pitched screech, and tries his best to hop up onto my bed. "Whoa, be careful there." I urge, before Niall comes up behind him and scoops him onto the bed. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great! And when I woke up, there was this really nice lady who brought me brekkie and guess what!"

"What?" Again, he looks about the room as if someone will be listening in before leaning in towards me.

"There was chocolate custard, just like Niall promised." Edward gushes happily. I reach forth and give his hair a little ruffle before leaning in and giving him a kiss to the side of the head.

"Annabelle," Niall cuts in, clearing his throat to get my attention from the energetic boy, "I'm sorry to cut this short, but Harry needs to speak with you in private."

My happy mood slowly begins to go down the drain as I look to the boy practically sitting in my lap. There's confusion written on his face, probably not understanding that he has to leave after just getting here.

"But Ed -"

"Hey, where's my my new best friend?"

I'm cut off by the tall, brunette charging into the room with a happy smile written on his lips. Edward squeals Harry's name before hopping from the bed and dashing over to the man. It's quite refreshing seeing this side to a doctor, normally their walls are completely built up.

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