⪻ 28 ⪼

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There had never been so much silence between Harry and I since meeting, and it was scaring me to death. I didn't know what to say to him on account of what had occurred, and he didn't know what to say to me.

I couldn't believe how such a great day had taken such a 180 degree turn in a matter of minutes.

As soon as Harry turned to look back at me, he had seen the tears that he had caused and was on his feet with Edward in seconds. Taron had called me a name I'd rather not repeat before he buggered off, leaving the three of us standing together. Harry's fist were relaxed at his sides, blood smeared across his battered knuckles. Edward stood at his side, looking between the two of us before fixing his eyes on Harry's hands.

Edward had said something to Harry, but my ears didn't seem to be working. The world around just felt muffled, like someone were holding their hands over my ears firmly.

When Harry took a step towards me, my body reacted before my head did - by taking a step backwards.

Pain and hurt had flashed behind Harry's eyes at my actions and it nearly broke my heart, though I didn't mean to. We had decided it was best to leave town and give up the rest of our day; go home.

Nothing was said in the car, or on the way up to the flat, or even now that we've stepped through the threshold of our home. The three of us stood frozen in the entryway of the flat, just avoiding eye contact with each other.

"Annie -"

"Edward, please go to your room." My voice is but a whisper as I direct the boy to his room, interrupting the boy. He's been surprisingly quiet, though I thought he'd be asking a million and one questions.

"But I'm hungry." He lightly complains.

He's hungry, as he should be from bouncing and running off his breakfast and lunch from hours ago and us never making it to dinner. I nod my head at him, taking a deep breath as I hope there's something in the cabinets to make for dinner.

"I know; I'll make you dinner." I promise, pushing him off into the direction of his room.

It's inevitable that Harry and I have to talk and I really don't want to have this conversation in front of Edward.

"Why was Harry hitting Taron?" Edward asks me slightly above a whisper as I walk him down the hall towards his room. I can hear the kitchen sink running, signalling that Harry's out of earshot and probably washing his bloodied hands, finally.

It's tough trying to come up with something to tell Edward about what had happened, especially after I told him violence is never the answer to any of our problems. I can't very well tell him the truth behind the fight either.

"I'll tell you later, okay?" Edward nods his head and strolls in his room, closing the door softly behind him.

With carefully quiet steps, I walk into the kitchen to see Harry's broad back at the sink. I can tell by the way his back rises and falls with each breath that he's stressed out about what had happened. My backing away from him surely hadn't helped the matter either. He probably thinks I'm scared of him.

Not knowing what to say to him, I enter the kitchen and begin taking out a few ingredients from the cabinets and refrigerator, homemade macaroni and cheese it'll be. Whilst I move about, the sink shuts off and I can suddenly feel Harry's eyes on me. I do my best to ignore them as I come up with something to say to him.

"Are you mad at me?" His voice echoes throughout the silence of the flat, causing me to wince slightly.

"No," I say, before sighing heavily and hanging my head, "I don't know." I mutter, rubbing my temples before leaning back against the counter, purposefully avoiding eye contact with him. I don't think I can look at his face without breaking down in tears again. "I've wanted to hit him for a long time, but you went a tad overboard." Harry hums in response to what I say as I nervously fiddle with my fingers.

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