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Harry had indeed planned an adventure of a day for us, nothing like I had imagined.

As soon as Edward had joined us in the lounge, we made our way to breakfast. Edward enjoyed the colouring pages that were provided and the waffles he scarfed down whilst Harry and I argued over who was going to pay for what. In the end, I lost the battle for everything when I realized that I had "left" my wallet at home; in actuality the man that I've my eye for took it out of my bag when I wasn't looking.

After eating my bodyweight in breakfast foods, we made our way to the National Football Museum, a place that Edward had begged our parents to take him to. He thoroughly enjoyed running around and looking at memorabilia and photographs whilst I enjoyed running after the five year old and telling him not to touch certain things; Harry simply laughed at the both of us before dragging us off to to our next destination.

Thirty minutes later, we were stood in the lobby of a freejumping place where Edward nearly died when he saw all the trampolines. Imagine the face of a small boy when he sees a large warehouse full of trampolines that he could jump until his little legs tired out. Unfortunately for me, his legs don't tire as easily as mine.

"How is he still running around?"

To say that I'm in shape would be an understatement. I can walk up a few flights of stairs without being winded, thanks to our building not having a functioning lift, but I cannot jump for more than twenty to thirty minutes without a break. And now I'm realizing just how badly I need to go to a fitness centre.

"What's the matter?" Harry ponders, his large steps falling to my size as my brother continues to practically run around in circles around us.

"I'm totally knackered!" I exclaim, stopping briefly to massage my thighs dramatically. Harry glances up in my brother's direction, keeping an eye on him as I dramatize my feelings. "My thighs are on fire." Harry stops walking in front of me, bending down slightly in front of me.

"Hop on."

"What, no." I say, laughing lightly as I pass him by with small steps.

"Yeah," He lightly jogs around me again, getting in the same position in front of me and motioning me on, "we've still got more planned for the day; don't need you all tuckered out before then." With a sigh, I adjust my bag on my shoulder before climbing onto Harry's back. My arms encircle his neck, just tight enough to feel secure, but loose enough for him to still breathe. As he stands, my legs tighten around his waist, fearing he'll drop me, to which he simply chuckles at me.

"Aren't you sore?" I ask him as he continues walking in the direction of Edward. He's now standing off by the side of a building, knowing not to get too far from me; but as soon as we've come closer, he's off again.

"A little, but I'm alright." He says to me before shouting after Edward to slow down and look where he's going. An older woman gives us a dirty look after my brother's practically runs directly into her and her small dog.

"That's probably because you work out." I tell him, resting my chin upon my arms that rest on his shoulders.

"Not too much anymore." I don't know how Harry can look the way he does without a shirt on when he's not worked out. It must be that healthy eating he's all about; perhaps I should give it a go.

"Then how on Earth do you look the way you do?" I wonder aloud, finding myself laughing at my own words.

"Same goes for you, Belle. You're fit." He tells me, causing my cheeks to burn red with a heated blush.

He doesn't know what he's talking about. There's a tad excess fat on my body that shouldn't be there, but I live with it because it's who I am. Would I want to parade around in a bikini? Not necessarily, but it's my body and I shouldn't have to be ashamed of it, entirely.

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