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Still Got Time
January 1st, 2019
New York, New York
New Years

Vera's P.O.V.

6:08 am.

      I wake up with a jolt as I gasp from hearing clatter from somewhere. I felt an instant breeze on my chest causing goosebumps to arise on my smooth skin instantly. I look down with wide eyes seeing I was completely bare naked. Pulling up the sheets to cover myself, I glanced to the other side of the bed noticing I was alone.

I began to look around the dark room I woke up in. I couldn't see much since the lights were off, but the city illuminated some sort of light through the large window into the big suite.

Although it was dark, my silver clutch had caught my eye. It was on the side of the California King-sized bed as if it was carelessly thrown. I bend down to grab it to retrieve my phone. Once my phone was in my possession, I tossed the clutch away, not needing it anymore.

I look at the time, it was 6:10 am. I unlocked my phone to check my notifications, and may I say that I had many unread messages and missed calls. There was too much to reply to, so then I sent a message to my mom and the group chat, that the girls and I made, telling them I was safe and sound.

I heard more clatter from somewhere. Squinting my eyes, I noticed there was a door at the other side of the room, and it seemed someone was in there since the lights were on.

I glanced around the big bedroom, seeing clothes scattered everywhere along with a few objects knocked over.

I'm going to pretend I didn't know what happened last night because things went a bit wild, but I loved every second of it.

Just then, the lights were switched off from the room. I immediately laid down and stuffed my phone underneath my pillow. I heard a door opened as I kept my eyes shut, pretending to be asleep because I was not ready to face him right now.

I heard his footsteps edge closer to the other side of the bed then feeling his presence next to me. I managed to keep a straight face as I slept.

"You're terrible at acting. You know that, right?" I heard his deep smooth voice say.

I stayed as I was, still wanting to keep up with my act. I wasn't going to back down. I remember when my mother caught me faking and I would immediately give up, but not today. I was going to win, and fall sleep. Sleep was important to me. I love sleeping. A little too much, perhaps.

Out of nowhere, I felt the blanket be snatched away from my body. I jolted up with my eyes wide open as I cover my body immediately by bringing my legs to my chest. "What the hell, Ezio!" I yell as I stared at him angrily, as if I shot daggers with my blue eyes.

I tried not to look any lower on his muscled body because the sheets wrapped around his waist was hanging awfully low.

"I knew it." He mumbles to himself with a soft smirk before tossing the sheets back onto the bed.

I scoff as I start to curse him under my breath while grabbing for the blanket to cover me up.

"Why are you upset? I've already seen everything." His gaze seemed to intensify which made my cheeks turn redder than it possibly was.

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