$ T H I R T Y • O N E $

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Exquisite Beauty
May 1st, 2019
New York, New York
Westfield World Trade Center

Third P.O.V.

4:02 pm.

Xavier tug on Aleksander's arm as they race through the mall. He gestured towards a small group of girls for her to call him as he shot them a wink. Xavier huffed before dragging him more rigidly, prompting Aleksander to steal a glimpse at him irritably. Xavier couldn't lie because he was feeling the same way as well.

Xavier desired to get the perfect gift for someone that became astonishingly unique in his life lately. He determined to share his idea with Aleksander and he offered to assist.

Each day, Xavier would ask if they could go shopping for it, but Aleksander would say that they have plenty of time. Now, it's the big day, and he's yet to delay Xavier's time.

"What's wrong with you, man? Chill out." Aleksander complained. Xavier dropped Aleksander's hand from his possession and clenched his jaw. He ignored his questions as he left him behind to browse through stores.

"Where the hell are you going, Xav?" Aleksander shouted, attempting to catch up to him. Xavier shook his head and turned back. "If you didn't want to help, why offer? You know how much this means to me and you're wasting my time by grabbing girls' numbers that I'm pretty sure you won't bother to think of again." he furiously raised his voice at him.

The mall was jammed with people to the brim today. Xavier wasn't sure why considering it was in the middle of the week. Chatters of several echoed throughout the mall, and that's perhaps why it seemed Xavier's raised voice came off aggressive because it would've been drowned within.

"Xavier, I'm sorry—" Aleksander attempted.

Xavier shook my head and turned around before Aleksander was able to finish his sentence. He glanced down at his phone screen, receiving a text from her.

"Just go home," Xavier mumbled Aleksander's way before returning his attention to his phone.

Alia Paxton: Heyy, what are you up to?

He thought, "Did she catch on?". He tried to be not as obvious as possible, but he wouldn't be surprised if she saw through him. She was that type of girl.

Xavier: Nothing much. Homework. What are you doing today, birthday girl?

Xavier believed that it was more comfortable to text someone rather than having to use his voice. He thought he seemed more confident on screen than in reality. He attempts to progress with Alia, but sometimes, his flirting is unnoticeable due to his lack of knowledge.

Alia Paxton: that sounds incredibly boring. I can't say I'm not doing the same either because I am. School sucks.

Xavier smiled at her text before walking into a random store. He was walking alone; wherever his feet desired to go.

Xavier: Do you want some help?

Xavier: I can help.

Xavier: Only if you want me to.

He couldn't manage the way he foolishly sent messages after messages to her. All of his logical thoughts went out the window when someone mentions her name. He cringes at his multiple text messages before securely locking his phone.

He looked up, his eyes finding the shop he was looking for. He seemed like he discovered the ideal gift he was planning to give to her when his eyes landed on the first thing he spotted. A small grin wore on his lips. Soon, it disappeared as he felt a supporting hand on his shoulder. He had a solid sense of who it was.

"I'm really sorry," Aleksander mumbles sheepishly. "You were right. I offered, and I should've stuck to my promise."

The thought of Aleksander's actions were thrown out the window as well once Xavier saw her texts. He offered Aleksander a faint smile. "I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have blown it out of proportions." Aleksander was about to interrupt; to say it was okay, but Xavier continued. "I don't know what it is, but there's something about her that just makes me all—" Xavier paused, attempting to think of the right word to describe how she makes him feel.

"—I don't know, but—"

Aleksander strokes his shoulder and nods his head in understanding. "I get it." He acknowledged.

Xavier's eyes were yet to be trained on the gift before Aleksander noticed what he was unusually fascinated with. Aleksander let out an involuntary soft gasp when his sights met what Xavier's were glued on.

"Xavier, that's perfect. Actual perfection. I should've come up with that idea. I'm so stupid. My ideas are nothing compared to this!" Aleksander was shocked, to say the least.

Xavier shook out of his trance before he spotted one of the employees nearby. He nudged Aleksander before pointing at the employee for him to ask. Xavier was still not as talkative despite being outgoing and free around Aleksander. It's true what they say; it all depends on the right person you're with.

Aleksander returned with the employee. Her name tag read Denise. She turned the tag on the item over before the price left her lips. Xavier froze to the point where he stopped breathing. He never heard that big of a number in currency before. Aleksander thanked for the help before she smiled then walking back to where she was restocking the store's products. Aleksander noticed Xavier's grimaced appearance, patting his shoulder. Xavier's eyes shot to Aleksander's concerned ones.

"Are you okay, Xav?" Aleksander asked. Xavier furrowed his eyebrows as he began tripping over his words. "D-did you not h-hear the price—the amount of money to s-spend on such an object? Why so much?" He exclaimed, his eyes popping out of his socket.

Aleksander snickered. "That's nothing, Xavier. Seriously, I'm pretty sure that the debit card the Bernacelli's gave you has ten times the amount of money that Denise mentioned. Trust me." He clarified.

Xavier shook his head. "T-that's wrong. I shouldn't be spending that much. I should—"

Aleksander shook Xavier's shoulder to grab his attention. He paused, staring into Aleksander's eyes. "—Listen, if you feel that it is wrong, then call Vera to check with her. Tell her that this is the most perfect gift you've ever seen." Xavier cocked his head to the side. "Okay, that wasn't grammatically correct, but no teenager ever is. Just call." Aleksander suggests after rolling his eyes.

Xavier brings his phone back into view before seeing her messages.

Alia Paxton: I'm sure you have loads to do anyway. thank you a lot though.

Alia Paxton: maybe, next time you can tutor me in person ;)

Xavier's heartbeat increased as his fingers hover over the keyboard displayed on his phone screen. Aleksander gasped softly as his eyes were rereading the messages that were sent to his best friend. Neither was sure what to respond with next.

Once again, they were both shocked, to say the least.

• • •

i am so excited because he's is making a reappearance soon ahhhh!!!!! so excited for that!

once again, gotta thank you guys for the support i've been noticing as always :) i'm usually having a lot of bad days recently so seeing the amount of support makes me instantly happier!

also, who's ready for thanksgiving? i'm ready to eat a whole feast all on my own hehe.

love you all and happy november!

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- alli

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