$ E L E V E N $

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January 29th, 2019
Beverly Hills, California
Jay's Boutique

Vera's P.O.V.

4:32 pm.

I stumbled into Ms. Johanne's office with a heavy box in my arms filled with God knows what. It seemed like they were bricks and I couldn't hold onto them any longer.

"Where should I put these?" I ask breathlessly as my eyes met hers.

She glanced at me and notice me struggling. She took a second before replying, "Right here." She waved her hand next to her desk where she was seated. As I bent down and was about to place the box filled with possible bricks, she interrupted. "Actually, put it in that corner near the couch." She had a small smirk plastered on her face which wanted me to scowl at her but I controlled myself.

After I placed the box down, I turned towards her before asking, "Anything else, Miss?" All of a sudden, the headache I woke up with intensified which caused me to clench my jaw. I woke up unwell today. I shouldn't have eaten sushi last night. I barely eat sushi because it makes me feel nauseous. I don't know what was going through my mind when I decided to order it for us.

"No. Since you're leaving in a few days, you can start packing up." She muttered as she waved me off, her eyes glued to her desk which had different types of fabrics scattered across it. I nodded in reply before leaving her office.

I pressed my hand to my forehead, feeling the heat transfer onto my hand. I closed my eyes for a second to relieve some pain. Before I opened my eyes, I felt myself push into someone. My eyes shot open before meeting familiar brown ones.

"Sorry!" I say immediately to one of my coworkers, Catherine.

Her cheeks blushed pink. "It's okay." She said as she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Are you okay? You don't seem well." She mumbled nervously as she looked up at me through her eyelashes.

I bit my lip as my headache intensified again. "I'm just having a headache and feeling a bit dizzy. Olivia didn't seem to care though. She had me run around all day finishing her tasks." I muttered as I place my face in my palms before groaning softly.

I glanced up immediately before catching her observing at me with her lips between her teeth.

My first day here, she was the one to introduce me to everyone and had me familiarize with the boutique. I noticed that once she saw me for the first time, she was completely smitten by me. I knew throughout the few years of working with her that she liked me more than a friend, but I pretended I was the girl who didn't know the obvious. I didn't know how to let her down. Plus, if I confront her, I had a feeling that she would deny it immediately and claim she's just being too friendly. She would never admit to me, not that I would want her to anyway. I wasn't interested in her, but only as a friend.

"At least you're out of her hair in a few days." She mumbles. "I'm going to miss you though." She added shyly.

I smiled at her. "Me too."

January 31st, 2019
Los Angeles, California

Vera's P.O.V.

4:24 pm.

Each and every day that passes by, Xavier gets more comfortable with us. Yes, he may be still shy, but he has been smiling more often than when he was first here. He's been laughing quietly whenever Lilly and I argued and we would catch him then continue to tease him about it. He was adorable whenever he blushed at us playing around with him.

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