$ T W E N T Y • T W O $

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Little Sprout
March 10th, 2019
Southampton, New York
Tenth Week Pregnant

Vera's P.O.V.

6:37 pm.

       I woke up with a sudden idea in my head. If I wanted to help people like Xavier, I needed to have a big support behind me. At first, I was hesitant when I had an idea who could be my support, but he has helped me with Xavier, and this could benefit his company.

I knocked on my father's office doors. I entered when I heard him say, "Come in!"

I opened the door hesitantly, praying for the universe to be on my side today. I entered his office. His eyes landed on me with no surprise. "Yes?"

My heart rate felt like it was skyrocketing. This was the first words he said to me, and only me.

"I have another favor to ask you," I mumbled as I took a seat in front of his desk.

He placed his pen down that he had in his hand before clasping them together, giving me his undivided attention. I was surprised he wasn't throwing a tantrum about me talking to him yet.

"I want to help people like Xavier." I start off. "I want to open my own charity, but I can't do it alone." He nodded before he opened his mouth to say something but I interjected. "And I know we're not on the best terms, or any terms at all, but after all, this is a good cause and this could benefit your company in many ways," I add quickly. "If you think about it in that way," I mumble.

He raised his eyebrow. My body tensed up as he leaned forward. "What makes you think I want to help you with this?"

I scratch my neck nervously. "Well, it's not me that you're helping, it's the people in need," I explained nervously.

He leaned back in his chair. His expression seemed like he was deep in thought. My leg started to shake involuntarily. I was tapping my nails against my jean-clad thigh.

"I'll think about it." He mumbles. "I'll let you know when I've come to a conclusion. Have a good day." He says before picking his pen up and returning to his paperwork. My eyebrows shot up at his statement. "You too," I mumble as I got up. Once I walked out of the office and closed the door. I whip my hair and do my victory dance.

"Oh yeah. I didn't get rejected." I sang quietly. I twirl before stopping once I met someone watching me.

"What are you doing, dear?" My mother asked with her worry lines appearing on her forehead.

I clear my throat and adjust my shirt that had rid up while I was dancing. "Just dancing." I try my best to smile.

She crossed her arms as she squints her eyes at me. "In front of your father's office?"

I purse my lips and nodded slowly. I give her a quick smile before immediately giving her a kiss on her cheek and ran out from the corridor.

In my eyes, he didn't say no which means that it's one step to success.

March 19th, 2019
Manhattan, New York
Eleventh Week Pregnant

Vera's P.O.V.

12:29 pm.
About a week later. . .

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