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Pretty Little Fears
February 8th, 2019
Los Angeles, California

Vera's P.O.V.

1:49 pm.

       I trudged slowly into my apartment before walking slowly upstairs. All the lights were off throughout the house and I wanted it to be left that way. I heard Lilly shut the door as I walked into my room before shutting my door. I dropped my body onto my plush bed. My eyes began to feel droopy, but I had a need to take a shower.

I struggled to get off the bed but eventually succeeded. I lazily grabbed my towel and robe and took it into my en-suite and started a hot shower. I needed the heat to open up my nostrils since they were stuffed now.

I stripped off my clothes and jumped into the lukewarm water that was spraying down my body. I dropped my shoulders as well as my head as I let the water run down my face.

My mind began to wander to my doctor's appointment. I couldn't get it out of my head. It was all I could think about. I had Dr. Reysell's voice echoing throughout inside my head. I couldn't get it out which had me clutch my head into my hands. I wasn't sane right now.

February 8th, 2019
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles Healthcare Center

Vera's P.O.V.

1:04 pm.
About an hour earlier. . .

I was sitting next to Lilly as she showed me the picture she took of me a few days ago via phone. I was amazed at how precise she was with the angle of her pictures and the lighting.

"I'm thinking to work with my mom to open my own designer company. Once I get settled, we can work together maybe." I suggested as I was still scrolling through her pictures.

"Really? That's great, Vera." Lilly sounded rather excited. I smiled and nodded.

I came upon a picture of Xavier who slipped a laugh. I was thankful to have him be more comfortable around us.

"What are we going to do about Xavier?" I asked as I was now scrolling through candids of him that Lilly took.

"We can enroll him in a school, but they'll ask about who his guardians are. I don't know how to manage that." Lilly replied.

I began to chew on my lip nervously before handing Lilly's phone back to her as I finished scrolling through her pieces. "I can ask my mother. She can manage to pull some strings and we can get him into a good school. I just don't want him in the same crowd we were in."

"Who's going to take care of Xavier, though?" Lilly asked. I pursed my lips and shrugged.

"We're going to have to find out which schools are better between the two cities."

Lilly nodded softly before sighing. "High school was hell."

I chuckled numbly. "You can say that again," I muttered.

A knock at the door had caught our attention. I got up and sat on the examination bed as Dr. Reysell walked in with a file which I assumed was mine. "I have your results." She said as she waved the paper with a smile.

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