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The Status Quo
April 22nd, 2019
New York, New York
Fifteenth Week Pregnant

Vera's P.O.V.

1:17 pm.

"So, how do you feel?" Lilly asks, bringing my bottled juice to the table.

We choose to go to a nearby café following my doctor's appointment. By now, the fetus was the size of a grapefruit which had me beam since. According to Dr. Archer, my baby is beginning to develop her tiny delicate ears and facial features.

I've gained a couple of pounds from the last time I visited. She mentioned I would have a spark of energy for the next few weeks. I've been fatigued ever since this pregnancy commenced, however, I sought to gain an advantage of this unexpected energy.

I shrug. "I'm worried about Xavier. The things he's gone through, and I'm sure what he told us was a taste of what they really are."

I checked my phone, seeing a notification from my manager, Jamaal Vazgen. My mother suggested I'd begin to rise to stardom. He messaged to remind me about the Met Gala he recommends I should attend. I wasn't interested in going, but many were peer pressuring me, mentioning this would be grand to kickstart my career.

I huffed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"What happened?" Lilly asks. I drop my head into my hands. "The stupid Met Gala. It's important that I go. I don't want to, especially with the whole Xavier case going on now." I muttered as I slid my phone towards her.

"What if I go with you?" She proposed. I shrugged and took a sip from my juice. "Only if you want to."

"Jamaal says that there are designers eagerly wanting to work with you. I'll ask my team to manage something out." She added, handing my phone back.

"I wonder who else is attending." She wondered to herself.

I peeped down at my small belly that was beginning to grow bigger every week. "I need to figure out how to hide this," I murmured, pointing to my stomach. "I can't have anyone find out right now."

Lilly lifted her eyebrows. "You do realize what's at stake if you go, right?" I nodded at her question, willing to take the risk. She pursed her lips and glanced back down at her own phone, texting away, assuming it's her manager.

I looked down at my phone as well. I saved a picture of everyone at the amusement park as my lock screen. My eyes were trained on Xavier who innocently grinned. My heart ached to see the pain in his eyes whenever I looked deeply within them.

I lightly shake my head and place my phone down, resuming to sip on my drink and consume my surroundings as well.

April 27th, 2019
Southampton, New York
Fifteenth Week Pregnant

Vera's P.O.V.

3:15 pm.

I wiped the sweat that built up on my forehead. I jumped off the treadmill, leaving with deep frustration. My back began to ache more as each and every day passed. I decided to get my blood flowing and to workout today since I had a fit of energy, but that died midway through my thirty-minute walk on the treadmill. I sighed before plopping myself onto the bench press.

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