$ T W E N T Y • F O U R $

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His Day
March 22nd, 2019
Queens, New York
Eleventh Week Pregnant

Vera's P.O.V.

10:47 pm.

I anxiously glanced down at my digital watch every few seconds. I was waiting for Lilly's arrival. It was a quarter till eleven and I was beginning to feel exhausted around this time. I couldn't help when my eyes began to feel droopy and I couldn't keep my head up. I slouched in the chair and pulled my baggy hoodie over my body after tying my wavy blonde hair into a messy bun. I tied the hair tie around my blonde locks a couple of times before weakly giving up on my appearance. I was aware that it looked like a rat's near above my head, but did I care at this moment?

No, I did not. Lilly saw me through my worse, anyway. I don't think she would judge my lazy outfit right now. Even if anyone including paparazzi got a few pictures of my state, I wouldn't care.

A few seconds later, a familiar voice brought me back to life. "Vera!" My eyes snapped open to see Lilly jogging over from her gate with her carryon suitcase. She looks pretty with her hair in a cute messy bun. I stood up and met her halfway and hugged her. We stood there for a moment before my eyes began to feel droopy once again. I dropped my head into her shoulder and relaxed into the hug.

"Vera, you're going to have to let go now." I nodded before snuggling more into her arms. I heard her sigh in defeat.

"You can sleep in your soft bed if you let go. . .right now." Lilly said. I pushed back immediately and smiled weakly. I lazily threw my thumbs up. "I'm fine," I mumbled. "I'm very awake." I stumbled over my feet before feeling Lilly's arm on my waist and shoulder.

Lilly raised her eyebrows before letting me go as she noticed I was able to stand on my own now, crossing her arms. "Sure looks like you are." She retorted.

The bodyguard that was with to me for tonight had picked up Lilly's suitcases from the baggage carousel as we both followed the other guard out the airport. I lazily sat into the matte black Mercedes SUV. I felt the car being loaded with luggage as Lilly adjusted herself into the car.

"How are you and—" Her eyes pointed towards my stomach. "We're good," I mumbled quietly. "She's about the size of a brussels sprout, Lilly. A sprout. I think I'm going to cry. I-I have a picture." I explain as my voice begins to break. I weakly attempted to reach into my back pocket as if I had the picture with me. I sighed in defeat as I realized it was at home, waiting for me on my desk. "It's at home. I-I'll show it to you when we get there." She embraces me into her arms the next second.

We sat comfortably in silence. The car had begun its journey back to Southampton. I explained what was the game-plan for Xavier's birthday tomorrow. I told her about Norah and Luca's arrival. I explained to her that Aleksander, Ezio's brother, and Xavier are close friends now and he was going to be present. The small concert and the dinner party was another detail I broke down to her. I promised to explain everything else in detail tomorrow morning since I was too tired to even move my mouth.

I didn't ask, but with the amount of luggage Lilly had brought indicated she might be staying for over a week.

For a while.

And when I tell you how exhausted this baby gets me—that's about one inch and a half! How am I going to feel when she's a full-sized infant?

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