D A D D Y • V A L E N T I N O

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$ S U M M A R Y $

Vera Bernacelli had successfully hidden away from the overwhelming fame for some time that her parents' name brought. She had left her home state, New York, to listen to what her heart was urging to do; to follow her dreams out across the coast. She had ran away from her father's pressure to follow in his footsteps, the one thing she desperately didn't want to do. She saw this as an opportunity to bury her dreadful past and move into the future full of new opportunities.

When she decided it was the right time to come back into the spotlight, she didn't expect the drastic turn her life would take.

The night of her parent's annual New Year's Eve party, she meets an alluring yet mysterious, dominating yet infuriating, wealthy yet arrogant man. Blinded by each other's sexual appeal, they had decided to spend one night together thinking it would be their last. One hookup is what they agreed on. One night was all they needed to satisfy each other's desires.

But who would've thought something would have them string back along with each other again? Something that would turn their lives around to leave a permanent mark on them forever?

Or rather who?

$ T H E C A S T $

(You can imagine whoever you'd like.
I only put the cast list for readers who like a visual of the characters, or somewhat a visual description of the main characters.)

Ezio Valentino
Etts-zee-oh Val-ent-teen-oh

Ezio ValentinoEtts-zee-oh Val-ent-teen-oh

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played by Chris Wood

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Vera Bernacelli
Vare-ruh Bur-nuh-chel-lee

Vera BernacelliVare-ruh Bur-nuh-chel-lee

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played by Cindy Kimberly

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