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Boys Just Want To Have Fun
March 4th, 2019
Staten Island, New York
St. Peter's High School

Xavier's P.O.V.

8:18 am.

       I nervously hooked my backpack around my shoulders once I had stepped out the car. "Don't forget your phone!" Vera shouted after I began walking away. I quickly jogged back to the car and grabbed the phone from her possession.

Yesterday, Vera and I went shopping to get my essentials for school. I felt bad that it was her money I was spending, but she had clarified that it was the least she could do. I had received my schedule a day after I met Aleksander and took my exam. I was supposed to be in eighth grade, but they put me in all ninth-grade classes. I always have gotten straight A's when I was in school, but I wasn't aware that I was intelligent enough to skip a grade.

"You remember how to use it, right?" I hesitantly nodded my head. "Sort of," I mumbled.

"You have all of our numbers including Aleksander. If you need help, ask him. I'll be back to pick you up around three o'clock. Sounds good?" Vera was parked to the side of the curb. Students were observing our exchange, but I tried not to pay mind to it.

I nodded and gave her a small smile. "Yeah. See you later and thank you."

She returned the soft smile. "Anytime, Xav."

Once she drove off, I hesitantly walked up to the grand staircase outside the school that was filled with students. I squinted at the piece of paper I was holding. It was my schedule with the class, the room number, my teacher's name, my locker number, my gym locker number, etcetera.

As I was walking, I accidentally bumped harshly into someone's shoulder. I turned back to see an angry boy looking at my eyes. My cheeks reddened.

"Watch where you're going, fucking weirdo!" The boy replied. Soon enough, his entourage cane behind him to give him moral support.

Flashbacks of multiple memories of people bullying me for being myself or when I lived on the streets swarmed through my mind. I felt my sweaty hands begin to shake. "What? Cat got your tongue? That's what I fucking thought." He shouted. At this point, the whole hallway was quiet and observing our interactions. I patted my lips, but nothing came out. I lose my voice whenever I'm nervous.

I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my shoulder. I look to see Aleksander's smile. "Listen, Wickham, just because you got caught recently having an affair with your cousin, doesn't mean you have to take it out all of us here. Now, run along." Aleksander replies casually before looking back at my horrified face.

"You don't know what you're talking about." The angry boy across from us, Wickham, mutters angrily as he steps up to us. I haven't been here for thirty minutes and I'm already about to be involved in my first school fight.

Aleksander yawned rather obnoxiously before turning to me while I was trying to contain my laughter by pursing my lips. "I kind of do. I hooked up with her before you did, buddy. We're well-known friends now if you catch my drift." Aleksander winks his way. my eyes widened.

Is this how high school is going to be for me now?

"Bastard!" Wickham shouts before angrily walking our way. I flinch as Aleksander remains in his cool posture. I was shaking before I heard a deep man's voice as Wickham raised his fist to punch one of us.

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