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It took about an hour to get back to the base, it was almost dark by then.

I yawned as I hopped off the helicopter and headed inside.

Coulson was waiting for me just inside. "Barton," Coulson said with a nod as he looked at his watch, "Right on time." He said before turning to walk.

I followed him to his office. I sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"So Clint, what'd you find?"

I launched into an explanation of the files I'd found in the computer in the barn.

Phil raised an eyebrow, "HYDRA's trying to cheat in horse races now?"

I nodded, "They're trying to find easy, unsuspicious ways to get funds. So they were experimenting on horses, winning horses are pretty expensive when you sell them, and winnings can be in the millions easily." I told him assuringly.

Phil raised an eyebrow, "I forget you have a farm... One of the reports from the STRIKE team said you want to take the horses?"

I nodded my head, "Nat keeps stealing my horse when she comes over, so I'll give her mine or one of them when they heal up." I told him, he nodded his head appreciatively.

He gave me a form, I groaned, I hated these things. He smirked as he gave me another. One was for taking confiscated items, and the other was a field report from me.

This was going to take a while...
Almost an hour later, both of the forms were filled out completely.

I slid them across the desk to Phil, who was working on his computer.

Phil frowned as he skimmed over an email.

"Problems Phil?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, one of your horses trampled one of the STRIKE team members, they put it down,".

I nodded my head a little sadly, "I know one of them was aggressive, he was given drugs to increase his testosterone and adrenaline. The file said they were trying to increase his natural levels of adrenaline and hopefully his stamina. The other one had all of her reproductive parts removed to transplant her lungs with bigger ones,".

Phil raised an eyebrow, "You read those files quite thoroughly didn't you?"

I nodded as I got up from the chair, "I'm gonna go nap, later boss,".

Phil rolled his eyes and picked up the forms.

"Go home Clint, I'll call you when the horse is on its way if it lives."

I threw up a peace sign as I walked out the door.

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