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It wasn't even a day later before Clint and the other people left; Laura, Cooper, and Lila were still here though.

Lila and Cooper seemed sad that he and his friends had left, but Clint at least would be back, probably Natasha too.

I watched Cooper unhinge the lock to my gate, he was holding my halter and a lead was dragging behind him. "Hi Widow," he called to me, his tone was a bit quiet.

I took a few steps towards him, stopping just in front of him.

Cooper extended his hand to touch my nose, I leaned down to meet the touch. Cooper pulled the halter up and started to put it onto my face.

Napoleon poked his head through the window.

Cooper clipped on the lead to the halter, walking me out of the stall and out of the barn.

Laura and Lila were standing on the porch, watching Cooper walk me to a nearby pasture gate.

He opened the gate and walked me in, he took off the halter and lead. Cooper walked out of the fenced in pasture, closing the gate behind him.

He came back with Napoleon a few minutes later. Cooper patted Napoleon's nose as he took off the halter. Releasing Napoleon into the pasture with me.

Napoleon started walking as soon as the halter was removed, heading towards a small pond in the center of the pasture.

I watched Cooper lock the gate and walk away. "Clint usually lets me loose here for a few months, when it's warmer." He called to me.

I perked up my ears and waited near the gate for a while before heading over to the shade of a tree.

I looked around the green field, the grass was a bit tall, but other than that, there were few trees.

I lowered my head and started to eat the grass.

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