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I got home almost two days later.

Phil had called a few hours previous to tell me that the last horse would be dropped off in about a week, after it was looked over by a veterinarian.

I walked into my home at about noon, walking into the kitchen quietly.

Laura was at the stove making the kids lunch, Lila and Cooper were facing Laura as they ate what smelled like grilled cheese sandwiches.

I walked up behind the two and wrapped my arms around both of them, they both made startled noises.

Laura turned around, obviously startled by the kids and smiled widely when she saw me. "You didn't tell me you were coming back so soon," she scolded me.

I kissed Lila and Cooper's temples before going to see Laura.

"Phil let me go after I finished the paperwork," I told her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"How was the mission?" Laura asked as she kissed my cheek before going back to making grilled cheese.

"It went well, I found a couple experiments though, horses,".

Laura froze and slowly turned around, "Clint you didn't..."

I smiled sheepishly, "I did, one of them had to be put down because he was too aggressive. The second will be here in about a week according to Coulson,".

Laura slapped my chest lightly, "I thought you said we were going to discuss before you brought anything live home from a mission,' she told me.

I nodded sheepishly, "I love you~" I told her.

She rolled her eyes, "And you're lucky I love you too." Laura told me as she hugged me. It was a bit difficult with her belly getting so big.

Laura gave me a plate with two grilled cheese sandwiches a few moments later. "Now shut up and eat, tell us about your latest rescue when your done." Laura told me as she grabbed herself a grilled cheese and sat at the table to eat with the kids.

I joined her.

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