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Clint came in my stall everyday for almost two weeks.

He helped me stand for longer and longer each time, and by week three, my legs didn't shake so badly and I was able to stand for hours at a time.

Clint walked in my stall holding a halter and a lead today though, I was a little confused on that.

Clint walked into my stall, smiling when he saw me standing. "We're gonna go on a little trip today," Clint told me as he started putting the halter on my face.

He took off the annoying plastic cone when he finished putting on the halter.

Clint clipped on the lead and started to walk out of the stall, I shakily followed.

Napoleon watched Clint lead me out of the barn.

I followed Clint outside, there was a chill in the air, especially the wind.

Clint led me to a circular pen with a dirt bottom. He opened the large gate and led me insid, he followed and locked the both of us inside.

Clint led me around the large pen in circles, after a few minutes of it, the two children ran outside to play.

The two quickly noticed me and ran over. "She's walking dad!" Lila exclaimed.

I flattened my ears and continued to walk around.

It tired me quickly though, I don't think I made it thirty minutes before I needed a rest.

But Clint was patient with me, he gave me a five minute rest before we were up again.

We did this for the rest of that day, I was exhausted by the time we got back to my stall.

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