Buster and Jesse

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Mackenzie's POV
I woke up at 11:30 AM and got dressed into black skinny jeans and a black crop top that says 'Your Bullshit'. I straightened my hair and put it in a high ponytail, put on some eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner.

"Morning mum." I smiled at her. She was making her famous French toast.
"Good morning love, you look lovely today." She beamed at me as she placed a plate of French toast in front of me." But mum, I always look like this." I stated a fact.
"But you always look lovely , princess. Your farther would be proud of you to this day." She smiled. "Thanks mum, but I've got to go." I told her. I had to try and find a new job or I would have to go to university, which in mind I don't, it was mums deal. No job, or university. "Ok, love you darling." She said, while washing the dishes, I gave her my plate and said goodbye before walking out the door. I unlocked the door to my Holden and drove to Bondi, hoping to get a job at one of the cafes in that area.

I walked into Sonoma Cafe, and went up to the front desk and told the waitress I was looking for a job. "Oh great, we really needed a new waitress. I'm Rebecca. Our manager is currently out but I'll inform him about you when he gets back. Please leave your details and you will be called." She smiled as I wrote down my details and my name, and walked out of the care to my car. When I got home mum wasn't there as she had left a note saying she'd gone shopping. I went up to my room and got changed into my purple bikini. Heading down to the beachfront. I sat in the sand and went on my phone clicking on contacts. I decided to call my best friend Maya. "Hey, Kenzie. So how's Maroubra? Seen any cute boys?" She questioned curiously. I told her everything about that boy who was yet to be named and how this beach was dominated by the local surf gang the Bra Boys. "Oh my god." As I looked up there he was again. He was on the sand playing with a chestnut Pit Bull, "What?" Maya asked, I completely forgot I was on the phone to her until this very second. "Oh, that guy I was telling you about, he's on the beach in front of me playing with his dog."  I told her excitedly. She squealed for some random reason. "My poor, poor ears." I stated, rubbing my ears. She laughed at me because that's the sort of girl she is that's why I love her. "Sorry, it's just I got some really exciting news. I just found out I'm allowed to move out of my house into yours with you and your mum."  I smiled so big my cheeks started hurting. We were talking arrangements when I noticed that boy staring at me with a slight smile forming on his lips. I blushed and smiled back then went back to talking with Maya.

Jesse's POV

I was playing with Buster ( I don't know what the dogs name is so lets just go with buster.) on the beach when I herd the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard. I looked over where it's was coming from, and there she was the girl I'd been wanting to know. She was the on the phone to someone laughing and smiling. I smiled a little at her and she looked up and smiled back while blushing and went back to talking on the phone.

Buster was nudging me for attention when I looked at him he ran of towards the girl and licked her face as she laughed. I got up and ran after him. "Buster! Buster!" He was now sitting silently on the girls lap as she patted his head as she was no longer on the phone. "I am so sorry. He's-" I was apologizing when she stopped me from saying anything more. "It's ok, He adorable. How old is he?" She smiled and asked. I sat down next to her and gave him his orange rope. "He's 2 years old. I'm Jesse." I put my hand out for her to shake. She gladly accepted. "Mackenzie but you can call me Kenzie." She beamed at me. We sat there chatting for a while while Buster rolled around in sand. I wanted to maybe give her my number so I could call her when I had to leave.

Mackenzie's POV

I was having the time of my life, just sitting here and talking to Jesse with Buster.
"Hey, Jesse I'm bored and really hot. Let's go swimming." I said to him cheekily, getting up and dropping my towel. "But I can't I'm not dressed for swimming." He stated which was true wearing shorts and a Nike jumper he really couldn't go swimming. So I pointed out the other option. The cheeky one. I squatted down next to him and looked him in his ocean and eyes. "Well then, I guess you could always take it off." He looked at me as much f I was crazy. "Just go in your boxers Jesse it can't be that bad." He smirked and got up, stripping his clothes until he was in his boxers and chased me to the water with Buster running along side with us. He caught up to me and slung me over his shoulder and threw me into the water laughing. I resurfaced and looked at him and started laughing. We had a great time I'd never want it to end.


Awwwww Jesse and Mackenzie. Who ships? Should their ship name be Jekenzie? Cause I can't come up with any others. Sorry for late update I'm not normally connected to WiFi and getting all my school stuff is taking a lot of my time but I really do try. 💕

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