No, It Cant Be

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Harrison's POV

I was in the tower watching the water while Maxi and Mouse were setting up the flags.
I decided to turn on the radio, when there was a knock at the door. 'Strange. We never get people at the door this early.' I instantly thought to myself. I got up to answer the door, there stood a girl with long brown hair, green eyes and a nose piercing. She looked really familiar, I went through my past to find where I've seen her before.

"Hi, um I'm the new trainee, Mackenzie Reid." She stated. Then it clicked. Mackenzie. My twin sister. She finally looked up at me, she looked like she had just seen a ghost. I hadn't really changed much. But she had, a lot.

"No, it can't be you.." She trailed off as Maxi and Mouse walked in.

"Hey, Hutz. Who's at the door? Harrison?" I never answered as Kenzie screamed in shock and joy.

"Oh my god! Hutz! I've missed you so much. What happened? I thought you were dead."  Yeah. She didn't know the full story. As if on cue a shocked Maxi screamed.


"Jesus, Maxi. Tryna burst my ears bro?"  He then started laughing.

"Sorry" I looked at Mackenzie, she stood there with her arms folded across her chest.

"You got some explaining to do, Hutz"

"Ok sis. Are ya busy after work? You could come around to my apartment."

"Uh-uh bitch, it's my apartment."

"Shut up Maxi. Your a six year old, how do you even know what an apartment is." I chuckled at my comeback as Kenzie giggled.

"Did... Did you just say I'm a 'sex year old'?" Maxi tried saying through laughs. Uhhh. I hate my accent. Apparently it was that funny it caused Mouse to fall off his chair, even Kenzie was on the floor laughing.

"No it sounds like that cause of my accent, you should know that by now. And Kenzie it's hard to believe your my twin, you have the same problem." I pretended to be heartbroken. But she knows me way to well.

"Really Hutz. Nice try. I was laughing at your face, and the fact mouse fell of his chair." She laughed with a sly smile.

"Uh, did I just hear the right. You have a twin, fuck I didn't even know you had siblings." Maxi looked at me.

"I'll explain later."

3 hours later

Kenzie's POV

After recovering from my shock. I found out I was gonna be at backpackers rip with Whippet. I had done about 5 rescues so far. I absolutely loved it here. I had made so many new friends, yes they were all dudes, but they were fun to be around. I kinda had a little crush on Mouse, and I'm not even dating Jesse, so I'm allowed to look at other guys, right? But anyway, I am now on my lunch break, with Harries, Maxi, Max Ashford, Kerrbox, Whippet and my beloved twin brother Harrison.

I still couldn't get over the fact he's alive and not dead. He was definitely going to explain after work, then I was going to take him to see mum.

"No way." A voice rang through my ears that I knew all to well, Jake. Jake Nolan. I turn around to see him standing there in lifeguard uniform. Still with the same gorgeous smile and eyes.

"So this is where you fucked off to. This is where you went and you didn't even bother to tell me." My blood boiled remembering what he did to me a few years back.

"I can explain." He said walking towards me.

"No you can't explain. You left me. You left me there and you say "you can explain". No I'll explain it. We got caught, you ran but left me there. I got put away because of you, when I came out expecting you to be there, you were in Sydney the whole time. Fuck Jake." Harrison was now looking at me like I was a mad hatter. Jake well he looked guilty, and he should be.

I then stormed out of the lifeguard tower with Harrison following me.

"Sis, I don't understand he left you there? What do you mean." Harrison asked confused, it was time to tell him.

"Ok, when I lived in Perth, I met a guy. That guy was Jake. I was 16, he was 17, we caused trouble a lot, we got detention at school, graffitied, underage drinking. Onetime me and Jake were at a party. We were drunk, and kinda hooked up, we started dating a few days later. He had a job come up and he needed help, I can't remember what we were stealing from but when the cops got there we started running but I tripped. He didn't even look back he just kept on running. I got put into Juvi, for 6 months. Jake never came to visit, I was alright with it I thought he was just laying low. When I came out expecting to see him there. He wasn't he had fucked off here. The prick." I was now crying at this point. I thought Jake loved me.

"I'm sorry, sis. Hop said we can go home now, and I can explain."


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been quite busy. Homework and school etc. Anyway please keep reading, I'll try and update as much as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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