A Life Saved, A Big Opportunity And A Shocking Suprise

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Kenzie's POV

It was very late in the afternoon, I was currently walking home from work. I was just  walking past the cliffs, when I saw someone standing at the edge, looking down. Now if you saw that, would you think they're considering jumping? Cause that's exactly what went through my mind. I stood there for a while watching the girls movements to confirm she's going to jump. Just like I assumed, she moved closer to the edge.

"Hey, please don't jump." I told her.

"I have to. My life sucks. Keeping all the pain inside is killing me. All I want to do is leave this world. My mum hates me. My dad hits me. My brother rapes me. I get bullied at school for no reason. What's the point in staying." She turned around the face me, and stepped backwards.

She slipped and fell. I dropped my bag and ran after her, jumping, in hope I can save her life. Once I resurfaced, I swam over to where I saw her body. I kept her head above the water and swam to Bronte. It was a long and breathless swim back to shore. When I got there she wasn't breathing. I new I had to resuscitate her. I started doing the compressions. Within seconds she breathing again and coughing up water. The crowd that had gathered around me cheered, the lifeguard's at Bronte were staring at me in surprise.

"Why'd you save me?" I looked at the girl.

"Because to see you die in front of me, I'd feel guilty and responsible for your death." I smiled at her as she was taken away to the ambulance by paramedics.

"Hi, I'm Bruce Hopkins. I'm the head lifeguard for Bondi, Bronte and Tamma. Um, I saw the whole rescue you did on the girl. I was wondering if you would like to be a lifeguard? It would be a big opportunity."  A guy with brown hair and looked around 40 years old said to me.

"Omg. Yes. I would love too." I told him with a huge smile plastered across my face.

"Great. I'll see you in the morning at the Bondi pavilion then." He smiled at me.

The rest of my walk to Jesse's and Koby's with a smile I can't get rid of.

I unlocked the door to Jesse's and Koby's house. It was actually kind of quiet, for once. But still very loud. Instead of hearing video game sound affects. I heard swearing and banging. Instantly confirmed the swearing to be Jesse, I thought he was fighting with Koby, like they always do, so I thought nothing of it.

"Son of a bitch get off me! You stay the fuck away from Mackenzie, or I swear to god I will come down on you like a ton of bricks." That was..... Jesse. Ok so now I know it wasn't Koby I ran into our bedroom to see blood everywhere. Jesse was pinned to the floor, with a big muscular guy on top of him. Jesse saw me and shook his head with wide eyes. The guy soon looked in the direction Jesse was and saw me, he got off Jesse and started coming towards me. That's when I realized who it was. It was Daniel, my abusive and very dominant, ex. I ran straight out of the building only to collide with one of his boys.

"Shitty shit shit." I cursed under my breath. Daniel came towards me, and smirked. His eyes were not the eyes I saw when I first fell in love with him 2 years ago. They were the ones that meant trouble. To be honest I don't even know what I saw in him.

"Good'aye love. Long time, no see. Who's your 'gangster wannabe' boyfriend? Does this prick treat you as good as I did?" His smirk grew even larger with every word. Almost like he could smell my fear. My blood boiled when he call Jesse a prick. I may have only known Jesse for 4 months but I have grown big feelings towards him. He was literally a magnet. No matter how far I tried to get away from him, I always came running back.

"You treat me good! You didn't treat me good. You raped me, hit me, killed my twin brother. Yeah. You definitely treated me good! Hint on my sarcasm. And Jesse is not a 'gangster wannabe' he's not a prick. He's not anything you call him. By the way he treats me way better than you ever did." I screamed at him. I could see rage fill his body. Just as he was about to hit me. Koby and some other Bra Boys came in with baseball bats and all. Daniel eventually stood down, and walked off licking his wounds.

But I knew he would be back. He always did come back.

Later that night.

I was currently laying in bed with Jesse listening to his soft heart beat. I was tracing my hands across his tattoos on his chest.

He was perfect, perfect in every way. He was everything a girl could ever want in a boy.

Kind, gentle, funny, caring, cute, talented, freakishly hot. There is nothing more I would ever want. I looked up at his face he was clearly overthinking something, his eyes were squinted. Believe it or not it was actually kinda cute. This gave me time to look at his features, I never looked at him closely. One being how many freckles he has, this guy could be a Jaguar for all we know, that's how many freckles he has.

"Hey, Kenzie. About earlier when you where going off at that guy. You said he killed your twin brother." He looked at me with a confused facial expression. I knew he would want an explanation. It may hurt me to bring up my past and my brother, but I've got Jesse to comfort me.

"Ok I will explain. When mum found out she was pregnant with me my brother. She was overjoyed. As you know she called me Mackenzie Reid. My brothers name is Harrison Reid, giving me and my brother our dads last name. Our dad was in the police force and got stabbed on duty when we where 13 years old. Hutz and I were inseparable. For twins we got along fine, we didn't fight at all, not once. I met Daniel when I was 15, at first he was nice and funny. But he was from a broken home. I thought I could help him, but turns out he was dragging me into his lair. His trap was to make me fall in love with him, then make me his sex slave. I got raped, abused all the stuff you expect for a sex slave. Harrison tried getting me out one time, he took a big risk. He risked his life for mine. He got me out and told me to run until I was safe, but I didn't listen. I wasn't gonna leave without him. That's when Daniel pulled out a gun on him. He aimed at Hutz, told him to stand down, but he didn't, his last words to me was, "I love you sis. I always will. Give my love to mum and please do what I say. I want to to turn around and start walking for the exit, and when Daniel pulls this trigger. Run. Run like the speed of life. Ok." He was serious. So that's what I did, the gunshot was fired and I ran. I kept on running until I blacked out. I woke up in hospital 1 month later. I had been in a coma. And yeah now here I am." I let a single tear roll down my cheek. I missed Hutz a lot. I then burst into tears, soaking Jesse's bare chest. I fell asleep soon after.


So yes. Harrison is Mackenzie's twin in this book. But please don't hate me. There's a twist to the Harrison thing as you will find out in the next chapter.

So how do guys think so far? Am I doing good? Let me know:)

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