3: Black Hood's

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We arrived near The Iron Tower seeing Li and a woman in gold armor next to him, they both noticed us coming. 

"So, your the players that took down The Red Samurai, I'm impressed." She said. "I'm Captain Zavala, I've been hoping to find strong players like you for a special job." 

"Well, you certainly found the best." Mira said smirking. 

"I see." Zavala said smiling. "The job I have for you is about a group of Dark Players." 

"Dark Players?" I asked confused. 

"As in players who decide to be evil and be kinda like in-world terrorist." Li explained. "Ultima is known to have a few groups in the area." 

"I see." I said concerned. 

"One in particular, The Black Hood's, are rumored to be going after the Admin Shard." Zavala explained. "As experienced players, I hoped you could maybe handle the situation in order to avoid any of my guards performing a suicide charge." 

"We can do it, consider it done." Li replied. 

"Great, hopefully this won't get out of hand." Zavala said smiling. 

We then left to find information on The Black Hood's group, I was confused why Zavala and her guard couldn't handle things themselves. Li saw I was confused and explained the reason. 

"Your confused about something?" Li asked. 

"Yea, it's about Zavala." I replied. 

"Same, why couldn't they handle a few players alone?" Mira asked, concerned. 

"Unlike us, Ultima's citizens can't respawn like us, same would happen to us if the Admin Shard is stolen." Li explained. "That's the reason Zavala wanted our help." 

"So this world could really kill people?" I asked worried. 

"If something happened to the shard, yes." Li replied. 

"Which is why we're gonna stop those terrorist players before they can try anything." Mira said smiling. 

"Your right, let's do this quickly." I said smiling. 

"Agreed, and I might know someone who can help us." Li explained.

We followed Li to an abandoned house in town, he knocked on the door and a man in robes answered the door. 

"Oh Lionel, and you brought guest." He said smirking. 

"Enough talk old man, we figured you could help us out, it's important." Li explained annoyed. 

"I see, it will cost you thought." He said smirking more. "Perhaps, 200 Gems?" 

Li instantly threw a bag of money at him. 

"Black Hood's, any idea where they are right now?" Li asked annoyed. 

"Hmm, perhaps my magic can show you." He said summoning an image in front of us using magic. 

"That's the Abandoned Shore, it's within town." Li said. 

"They must be gathering there." I guessed. 

"Well, let's go catch some terrorist." Mira said smiling. 

"Perhaps it be easier if I sent you their myself." He said turning the image into a portal. 

"Thanks old man." Li said. 

We entered the portal and arrived near the Abandoned Shore instantly. 

"Okay, let's find those players." I said.

We began headed towards The Black Hood's meeting spot, we hid behind some stray rocks to see what they were up to. 

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