13: Darkness Rising

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We fought off most of the demons until Mira and Ignia eventually found us and instantly joined us in battle.

"What did we miss?" Mira asked cutting down a few demons.

"Missed Blackhood and more that we can explain later." I replied.

"Good call, these demons are relentless in numbers." Ignia said. "We must save this city."

"Luckily these things are weak. Let's get it done!" Li yelled.

"Got it." I said as we continued to fight off the attacking demons.

Devan and Alina eventually joined in and started shooting more down from the rooftops until we eventually defeated them all after a long and near exhausting battle.

"Wow, what a mess." Mira said finishing the last enemy off.

"No kidding, what exactly did happen?" Devan asked.

"Apparently Blackhood helped capture Ultima's Admins." Li replied.

"Without them were pretty much stuck." I said. "Not to mention what could happen without them."

"Agreed, we need a new plan." Alina said.

"Only idea I have is to contact Kisangani. Hopefully he'll have a plan." Ignia explained.

"So all we can do is wait?" I asked.

"Afraid so." She replied.

"Well we have to do something, we can't just stand around!" Li yelled.

"We will, but we can't do anything until we know what's happening." I said.

"Okay." He said.

"I'll go contact Kisangani, tell him about what happened." Ignia said. "You guys could relax for awhile."

"Finally, I could use the break!" Devan yelled.

"I'd enjoy it, still have a long way to go." Alina said leaving us to relax in the town square.

I about decided to relax with them until a blast of dark magic nearly killed me, but I dodged it in time to see what attacked me. An armored demon.
"You won't beat me easily." I said summoning both my swords.
As it summoning a massive axe and attacked me, I was able to see a name hovering over it.

'Reaver, the Demonic Warlord'

I luckily dodged its attack and instantly fought back against it alone, but it summoned a shield and kept blocking my attacks with it before Devan joined in and destroyed it. Upon doing so, it summoned a second axe in place of the shield.

"Devan! Keep it distracted!" I yelled running towards it as it attempted to attack me, but Devan kept firing at him so he couldn't focus on me.

I eventually got to him and nearly took him out in a few hits, only for it to get back up without a problem.

"Not good." Devan said as it prepared to fight again, until a blast of fire magic completely finished the demonic warlord off. Ignia had arrived just in time to help us.

"Why is it whenever I leave, your attacked by something random." She said.

"I'm unsure, but whatever this was it really wanted me dead." I said checking it's remains out.

I only found a black crystal that started glowing when I touched it before playing a message.

"Foolish Heroes, you think you can stop me just by killing my forces one by one. You are easily mistaken. So long as I live, more demons will be created to serve me and create my ultimate goal. Death to Ultima and its weak people. You fools will never survive my wraith."

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