12: Demon King

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Everyone was instantly shocked to hear that Li knew about him before.

"So, he attacked Ultima before during the beta, and is somehow immune to the Admin Shards Light." Mira said.

"Correct. That was originally the betas goal, get rid of him so Ultima could survive as it is now." Li explained. "With our world supplying this world with powerful immortal warriors that can defend against the demons attempting to bring him back."

"But a dark player of all people accidentally did it." Alina said.

"Blackhood probably has no idea what he did." I said.

"But if he did, we could have a severe problem if others follow him." Ignia said.

"We'd be having to fight and kill actual players." Li said. "Ruining Ultima more than ever."

"Which is why we need to reach Nimbus, then Tovara." I said.

"Agreed, let's get moving." Alina said.

"You know I'm coming with." Ignia said.

"I know. Link up. Add Dragonsl4yer." I said adding as we started headed for Nimbus, which didn't take as long as I thought.

Once we reached the city we restocked our items and I went to a blacksmith to repair my swords. I waited for the blacksmith to finish the swords when Li came in.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I honestly didn't expect things to go this far." I replied. 

"You mean with recent events." Li said. "It makes sense, not many beta players knew what was at stake. No one knows about Ultima's true purpose, I wish they truly knew."

"We can't help that." I said. "All we can do is hope."

"I know." Li said as the blacksmith finished.

"Your all set." He said. "Speaking of, why not just put both halves back together over making two swords. I've never heard of someone using two heavy swords, it seems complex."

"You'd be surprised. Watch." I said, grabbing both swords and swinging them around easily.

Needless to say, he was instantly astonished.

"Well call me a sucker, that's one of a kind fighting right there." He said. "Just for that, take this on the house."

He instantly grabbed a white and gold long coat and gave it to me, I put it on and it felt comfortable for armor.

"Thanks." I said. "Just don't disappoint me." He said as we left to find the others.

We eventually found them ready to get to Tovara quickly.

"Took you two long enough!" Mira yelled. "Kept us waiting awhile."

"You two ready?" Devan asked.

"Yep." I said. "We got a world to save."

We instantly left for Tovara, home of Ultima's Admins and the only people that could help us return the Admin Shard to its rightful place.

We continued our journey until nightfall and decided to set up camp for the night. Everyone decided to sleep in-game this time, figured we'd get to the admins fast as possible. I about decided to fall asleep until Mira attacked me out of nowhere, I lucky avoided her ambush and was ready to defend myself.

"Mira! What the..!" I yelled.

"No time for talk. I'm gonna help you master those swords of yours." Mira interrupted.

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