6: Starlit Assassin

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We followed the villager across the bridge into Rackara's neighboring city, Lithia, the city was small, but reminded me of Italy in a way. 

"Now this looks better." Mira said admiring the town. 

"Indeed it does." The villager said smiling. "Lithia is one of Ultima's prized trading areas. Adventurers and citizens from all over come here." 

"I can see why, the place is beautiful." I said smiling. 

"Well, here we are." He said. "My home and inn." 

We looked to see a small tavern in front of us called, 'The Gold Coast.' 

"This place is perfect, kind sir." Li said smiling. 

"Remember, you can stay as long as you wish." He said. "It's the least I can do." 

"Thank you, you've been very kind to us." I said. 

"Just let me know if you need anything." He said leaving. 

Mira yawned just after he did. "Well, I'm tired out." Mira said exhausted. 

"Might be best if we rest till morning, still have a long way to go." Li said. 

"Yeah, let's go ahead and do that." I said. "Will meet back up tomorrow." 

They agreed and we entered the tavern to log off.

I woke up in my room to see a letter in front of the door. I went to go and read it, it was an eviction notice from Germane, I had only a month before I was forcefully kicked out. We needed to hurry this up before then. I about went to go to sleep until someone knocked on the door. I opened it and Germane was there as usual. 

"I see you got my notice." He said smirking. 

"Just what are you getting at?!" I yelled. "I've done nothing wrong, I've payed my rents and everything! So what's your problem?!" 

"My problem is your lack of respect for my place, you've basically left clutter and nothing more, so I'm done giving chances." Germane replied. "Hope you can still play your contraption on the streets." 

I completely lost it and smacked him, only for him to look at me with a death stare. 

"You have till then to leave, or I will call the police." Germane said enraged before walking away. I instantly slammed the door before logging back in to get away from everything.

I logged in to see Li standing at a window enjoying the view. I got up and decided to join him. "Had the same idea?" Li asked. 

"Yeah, couldn't sleep." I replied, hiding my real reason. 

"Me neither, at least it's peaceful to see the view." Li said smiling. 

"Yeah, the stars are amazing." I said getting closer to Li. 

He looked down towards me before looking outside concerned. I looked as well to see a player pacing outside. 

"That's odd." I said confused. 

"He must need help, come on." Li said. 

"Shouldn't we call Mira?" I asked. 

"I'm sure will do fine, it's not like will be continuing without her." Li said. 

"Good point." I said following Li outside to help that player out. 

"Excuse me, sir?" Li asked him. 

"Oh thank goodness." He replied. "I need help. A friend of mine is out there and hasn't returned yet, I fear he got lost or worse. It's all my fault for not going with him." 

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