9: Collective II

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We entered the third chamber to see Zaria was our next opponent in this death trap of a dungeon. 

"Awww, did you beat Morgan?" She asked. "Oh well, more fun for me." 

She then summoned dozens of golems in front of her to attack us. 

"Summoners, can barely stand them." Devan said stepping in front of us. "Scatter Shot!" 

He instantly fired dozens of shots that destroyed Zaria's golems with ease. 

"Hey, no fair!" She yelled annoyed. 

"You should know PvP is never fair, caster." Devan said. 

"Oh well, I can just summon more!" She yelled summoning more golems to her side to attack us.

We easily fought off her golems with ease while Devan and Alina tried to shoot Zaria and stun her, only for her golems to stop the shots every time. 

"This is ridiculous!" Alina said annoyed. 

"We can't keep firing our shots at her." Devan explained. "Alexia, we need a new plan." 

"I'm working on it!" I yelled, seeing how big the chamber was and instantly having a plan. "Li! I have an idea!"

"Okay, let's hear it." Li said killing another golem. 

"Throw me over the golems with your sword." I explained. 

"Do what?!" Li yelled. 

"Do it!" I yelled before he pointed his sword towards me.

I instantly ran towards him and leaped on his blade. 

"Now!" I yelled as he threw me up and over the golems towards Zaria. 

"My turn." I said, landing in front of her ready to fight. 

"So, it's like that then." Zaria said smirking. "Fine!" 

She instantly summoned a spiked staff and attacked me with lightning speeds. I was luckily able to dodge her attacks long enough for Li to arrive and knock her back. "You okay?" Li asked. "I'm good, let's beat this girl." I replied attacking Zaria with Li, she fought back awhile, but was overwhelmed by both our attacks until I disarmed her, she instantly surrendered after that. "I give. But please, don't kill Sena." She requested. "Don't worry, we didn't plan on it at all." I replied. "Count on it." "So this is how well you fight?" Alina asked. "You held out on me." "Well, I'm experienced." I replied. "We should focus, the next chamber could be anyone." Li said opening the next chamber, we entered it finding no one inside. "Seems she decided to run off." Devan said smiling. "Not likely." Mira said. "If I know these guys, they never run." A player instantly jumped from the chamber's roof to attack me, luckily Alina blocked her attack in time, I looked to see our opponent was Catqueen011. "So, the infamous players causing Sena trouble." She said. "I'll make this quick." She instantly started summoning several chain whips and attacked us all at once, luckily we all avoided her attacks in time. "How in blazes is she wielding that many whips?!" Devan yelled. "I've heard of this style, and only she can use it." Alina explained. "So you know about that." She said. "In that case, I'll kill you first." She instantly started attacking Alina, only for her to easily start blocking her attacks with ease. "Go! I won't hold her for long!" Alina yelled. "Right! Mira, let's go!" I yelled. "You got it!" Mira yelled following me towards Catqueen011. "Oh no you don't." She said seeing and attacking us, but Li and Devan shot her whips away from us long enough for me to get close and destroy her whips, while Mira easily knocked her out. "That was interesting." Mira said. "Only one more to go, ShadowF0X." I said opening the last chamber. "Hold on, he's our next opponent!?" Alina yelled. "Yeah, so?" I asked confused. "ShadowF0X was a former beta-player like myself, along with a few others. The supposed fabled knights of Ultima." Alina explained. "No way, a beta-player!" Li yelled. "This complicates things for us."

"Luckily you have me. I can take him on without a problem." Alina said. "I see, what about us?" Devan asked. "We'll go after Sena while he's busy." I replied. "Good, let's go." Alina said as we entered the last chamber to instantly see our last opponent, ShadowF0X. "My my Alina, I didn't expect to see you here." He said smirking. "Let me guess, your here to end me personally?" "I'm here to bring you to justice! Draw your sword and fight!" Alina yelled. "Sigh, very well." He said summoning a katana to his side. "Let's!" He instantly went for Alina and ignored the rest of us as we destroyed the doors to Sena's chambers and went for his master.

We eventually found Sena in her chamber waiting for us with Raven somehow by her side. "So your the people I'm being paid to capture, how pathetic." She said unamused. "You'll pay for getting involved in the Ultima Shards theft!" Li yelled. "Please, why risk everyone's lives when I'm already powerful." She said. "I lead the top dark player group in Ultima, so don't point fingers at me." "Then why stop us?" I asked. "If you have nothing to do with the shard, why interfere with our plan to get it back?" "Oh because we manipulated her!" Raven said revealing his true form, one of the Aggressors. "You!" Li yelled annoyed. "Surprised to see me again." He said. "No matter, I'll be sure to kill you for my master." He instantly summoned spikes of magic at us, Li instantly ran in and destroyed them in a single blow. "Well then, the foolish knight wishes to die first." The Aggressor said. "So be it." He instantly summoned a spike below Li and impaled him. "Li!" I yelled running to help him. "Blasted demon." Li said as his health was close to hitting zero. "Don't die, I got you now." I said healing him before I readied to fight the Aggressor myself. "What's this, you want to die as well?" He asked. "No. I'd rather kick your butt!" I yelled attacking him all-out, he blocked my attack before fighting back using magic against me. I easily avoided his attacks before pinning him down to the ground. "Listen here, you hurt my friends..." I said ready to end him. "You mess with people I care about, and I'll tear you apart." "You are powerful, master will deal with you personally." The Aggressor said disappearing before I could finish him. "Blast it!" I yelled before Sena walked towards me. "So he was a demon, and somehow manipulated me." Sena said concerned. "Clever, but this problem is more important than just having fun." "So you'll help us?" I asked. "I will, because I sensed something dark when he said master. Be careful." Sena replied. "We will, thank you." I said.

Next: Lost Time

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