10: Lost Time

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After our fight with the Aggressor and Zodiac Knives, they agreed to help and resupply us with essential items in exchange for their freedom, we agreed despite Alina's disagreement to it, and in a few days we left their base to get back on task.
"On the road again at last." Mira said. "You know we should have arrested them." Alina said disappointed.
"It was a proper agreement, anyway where are we?" I asked Li.
"Yeah, this areas new even for me." Devan said concerned.
"I believe were in the western forests, it's literally abandoned by both demons and people." Li explained. "Meaning the quickest way back to Nimbus is through the Shadow Pass." "As in that demon infected trench?!" Alina yelled.
"Afraid so, otherwise we would be spending another month backtracking to Materia and going the way we came all over again." Li said.
"I'm sure we could handle it, but not long enough to pass it." Devan said.
"I think Alexia should decide." Mira said.
"Me?!" I yelled.
"I suppose, you get to make our final decision then." Alina said.
"Well, Alexia?" Li asked.
I needed to make the decision going through Shadows Pass, otherwise I run out of time to fix this before Germane kicks me out on the street. "Will take the pass. It's the quickest route back." I replied.
"Okay, then let's go." Li said.
"Maybe we should log out and rest first." Mira said. "Not used to playing days on end without rest."
"She has a point, even I'm not used to it." Devan said. "No one is."
"Okay, we'll set up camp and regroup for the night." Li said.
We instantly decided to set up a camp outside the pass, once we finished everyone logged out instantly except for me and Li. I wanted to see if he was okay after that fight.
"Alexia, you should log off." Li said seeing me. "You need rest."
"So do you, I'm worried about you." I said.
"You don't have to, I've been alone before." Li said laying down.
"Yes I do, what if something bad happened?" I asked concerned.
"Then at least I helped this world." Li replied.
I instantly snapped thinking Li was crazy.
"You idiot! Why do you not care if you die! Why do you not care?!"
"Because I'm not one of you!" Li yelled.
I instantly stood there shocked and staring at him.
"Wh..what?" I asked.
"I'm not from your world." Li said upset. "I seem like one of you, but I'm truly from here, in Ultima."
"I don't understand, I thought people from Ultima couldn't be immortal." I explained.
"I'm one of few exceptions." Li explained. "I was favored by Ultima's gods, and was given the same abilities your people possess here."
"I...I didn't know." I said. "I'm sorry."
Li instantly came closer and kept me from getting upset.
"It's fine, your honesty the only person that knows that." Li said. "Can you keep it a secret?"
"I can, I promise." I said hugging him. He hugged me back as I started crying again.
"Don't be upset, I'm here for you." Li said.
"Then I'll be there for you from now on." I said before I saw Ultima's night sky above us.
"It's amazing ain't it." Li said. "I've heard legends that if people in love kiss during nights like this, that they're eternally in love with each other."
"That's interesting." I said blushing. "Are you wanting to find out?" "Maybe, I..." Li said before I started getting closer to him, we both closed our eyes and waited...

I figured we would have kissed then, but Mira logged in and caught us in a moment. She instantly smirked at both of us.
"Busted." Mira said.
"Mira!" I yelled opening my eyes and falling on my back.
"I knew you loved him." Mira said.
"That wasn't what it looked like! I swear!" I yelled embarrassed.
"Really? I could have sworn you about kissed each other." Mira said.
"You love each other."
"That wasn't it at all." Li said embarrassed.
"You nearly kissed her, and you nearly kissed him." Mira said smirking more. "Why are you embarrassing me?!" I yelled.
"Because I can." Mira replied. "Anyway, pull it together lovers. The others will be here soon."
"Shoot, I forgot." I said still embarrassed.
"Guess we got caught up in the moment." Li said.
"Hey, focus!" Mira yelled as Alina and Devan logged in seeing us.
"Looks like your already good to get going." Alina said.
"So much for relaxing, onward we go." Devan said.
"Right, let's go." I said as we entered Shadows Pass, seeing the barren wasteland that made up the pass. "Quite a sight." Li said. "Let's be careful."
"Agreed." Alina said summoning her bow and looking ahead of us.
We kept following her through the pass until we were ambushed by living shadows, we quickly summoned our weapons and fought back against them.
"Now I understand why it's called Shadows Pass." I said.
"No kidding." Li said. "Alexia, let's show these demons who's boss." "Yeah." I said fighting off hundreds of shadows with Li.
We easily held our own until a massive armored giant joined the battle.
"No way, an actual Guardian!" Devan yelled surprised by it.
"That thing will tear us apart, fall back!" Li yelled
We attempted to run but more shadows arrived and blocked our only escape.
"This is bad." Mira said.
"We'll get passed this, forward!" Alina yelled as everyone fought our way through the shadows.
But they kept us trapped despite our strength against them.
"We're completely trapped." Mira said.
"What now Alexia?" Devan asked.
I looked around and realized the only way out was killing the Guardian behind us.
"Li! Help me take this thing out!" I yelled.
"Right. Rest of you handle the shadows." Li said.
"You got it." Mira said as me and Li charged towards the Guardian.
"We'll do exactly what we did with Zaria." I explained.
"Okay, let's do it." Li said as he ran ahead of me and attacked the Guardian to distract it long enough for him to get in position.
"Ready!" Li yelled.
I instantly ran towards him and let him throw me onto the Guardian. I instantly started stabbing its neck until it about grabbed me. Luckily Li fired on it to keep it focused on him long enough for me to deliver a final blow on the Guardian. It instantly started falling apart as I finished it off and cleared the way.
"That was awesome!" Mira yelled.
"I don't think anyone has taken a Guardian and lived before, nice job." Devan said.
"Thanks, but it was nothing." I said. "Hate to interrupt, but more incoming!" Alina yelled.
We instantly looked to see more shadows headed towards us.
"No going back now." I said.
"Let's go." Li said as we attacked the shadows. Still had a long way to go...

Next: True Master

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