7: Zodiac Knifes

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We continued on our way to Nimbus nonstop after leaving Lithia, eventually me and Mira got tired on the way their while Li just kept going without a problem until he saw us. 

"You two need a break?" Li asked. 

"More like we're tired of walking." I replied exhausted. 

"Yeah, can't we just farm a bit and relax?" Mira asked. "

I guess we could, but won't you get tired out more?" Li asked confused. 

"Nope, I just want to fight something." Mira said smirking. 

"Yeah, plus we might stand a chance against those aggressors next time." I said smiling. 

"If they show up again." Li said. "But you have a point, let's get started." 

Li instantly pulled out a small chip from his pocket. 

"Is that?!" Mira yelled. 

"Demon bait, yep." Li said smirking. "Let's go all-out." 

He threw the bait at Mira's feet as several demon types came out and readied to attack us, we summoned our weapons and instantly charged at the growing number of demons, easily killing a huge number of them without a problem as more and more arrived to attack us. 

"For once your crazy idea worked out." I said killing another demon. 

"I know, I usually expect something to happen." Mira said killing a whole group with ease. "Guess I got lucky this time." 

Just as she said that a massive boss demon emerged from the forest around us. 

"Did you have to jinx us?!" Li yelled shooting at it, only for it to dodge and reveal itself. 

"You got to be kidding me!" I yelled. "There's a Medusa?!" 

"Yep, toughest one in any game too." Mira said smirking. 

"Won't be for long, let's do this." Li said charging at it with us, we were able to get a few hits on it until it knocked us back, bringing me down to low health. 

"Alexia!" Li yelled throwing a healing orb at me, I got up and was ready to go. 

"Thanks." I said attacking the Medusa boss.

It instantly jumped over me and attacked all three of us, this time completely paralyzing us. "Can't...move." I said annoyed. 

"This isn't good." Li said annoyed.

The Medusa prepared to finish us off until shots of magic killed the Medusa before it could, we instantly became unparalyzed and a player emerged from the trees above us. 

"Well, that was easy." He said as I saw his username, Darkbringer17

"Thank you, I'm surprised their are still other players like you out here." I said relieved. 

"This whole rumored death issue is nothing to me." He said smirking. "Speaking of, names Devan Charter, at your service." 

"Wait. As in the Rouge Devan Charter?" Mira asked in awe. 

"One and only." Devan said smirking. "Best outlaw of over 100 MMO's." 

"Well, glad you came to help us." Li said. 

"No problem." Devan said smiling. "Speaking of, mind if I tag along?" 

"Sure, there a certain reason?" I replied confused. 

"Sort of, I'm looking for a group of Dark Players in this region, call themselves the Zodiac Knifes." Devan explained. 

"Zodiac Knifes?" I asked. 

"There a group of thieves that are well known for causing players to rage quit Ultima, there the pure definition of a troll." Mira explained. "They actually attempted to attack me once." 

"In that case, welcome to the team." I said smiling. 

"A pleasure." Devan said smiling back. 

"Now that we're all handed, we should get going." Li said as we left the area.

We instantly continued on our way to Nimbus with our teams new member, Devan. We eventually reached the bridge that would lead us into the city, seeing two players in black armor waiting for us. 

"Well, look who finally showed up." One of them said smirking. 

"You got to be kidding!" Devan yelled. "Let me guess Sena send you two?" 

"You guessed it, and we're after all of you." He said. "Zodiac Knifes doesn't want you in the way." "Well unfortunately, we don't go down without a fight." Li said summoning his weapon. 

"Oh my, Zaria dear, mind giving us some numbers?" He asked. 

"Of course, Ryan." Zaria said summoning several golems behind them. 

"Looks like your kind picked the wrong fight." Devan said summoning his weapon, a massive magic pistol. "Let's send you back home, shall we?" 

He instantly shot towards Zaria, I remembered what would happen and blocked the shot. "Bloody christ, what are you!?" Devan yelled. 

"You'll actually kill them if you do that!" I yelled. 

"Wait! You could really die!?" He asked before all of us became paralyzed all of a sudden. 

"Zaria, Ryan. Why must I always find you two like this." Another player said arriving. 

"Morgan, it's complicated." Ryan said. 

"At least we captured them, let's go before they break free." Morgan said knocking us out...

Next: Collective

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