Chapter 1

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    Everything that had happened to me that fall in Forks, Washington had felt like a dream.  I had lived with my mom for years in the gorgeous state Arizona, until I decided that for my junior year of high school I wanted to move in with my dad and my sister Bella.

My mom wasn't too thrilled about the idea. After all I had already decided that I wanted to go to school in Arizona, so why get used to Forks when I had my heart set being here? She had a point.... but I wanted to see my dad...and well Bella too.

Me and my sister didn't really get along, but we were family after all and it had been a while seen I had seen her so maybe she had changed...?

     "I still think you should stay here". I shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes at her. I wanted to do this. I needed to do this.

     "It'll be okay mom". I said, "Its not like I'm moving half way around the world."

She sighed. "I know that, but it won't be the same without you here". I flashed her a quick grin and wrapped my arms around her. This was the first time that id be leaving home for this long, but I was ready to do this.

   "I'll miss you too"..

Pulling away from her I grabbed both bags in hand. "Remind your sister to call me soon". I nodded back as the image of my mom faded with each step I took closer to the gate.

My plane landed late that afternoon and my dad had called me to say that had be picking me. He didn't mention if Bella would be with him, but I figured if she wasn't I still see her later tonight. Nothing had really changed in forks since I had last been here. The number of people still seemed the same and the cold wet weather didn't seem to be moving on anytime soon, but that didn't bother me so much.

Having some cold weather after the heat from Arizona felt nice. A cold sensation moved up my arm causing me to shiver. One thing that forks had that beat out Arizona was the snow. I missed the cold feeling it gave you and I was so reviled to see that some patched lined the ground.

It did not surprise me to see my dad dressed in his work uniform. It seemed from what Bella had told me he never was really "off duty" which I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing. He seemed and waved as soon as he spotted me. I smiled back and pulled him into a hug. Oh yeah he smelled like beer and gun powder but I just brushed it off. Dad wasn't much of a drinker. Last time I checked.

     "How's school going kiddo?" He asked on the car ride to my first home.

   "Pretty good. Trying to get at least a C in my calculus class, but I'm not so sure..." Whatever person made calculus a required class for juniors to take in order to graduate was completely out of their mind.

     "That bad...?"

I sighed looking over at him. "Maybe...can we talk about something else?" Charlie shook his head. That was the nice thing about him...he didn't want to upset you so he usually changed the subject to make you happy, but he would eventually bring it back up again..

     "Not sure if Bella mentioned to you or not, but your sister has a boyfriend now". My eyes widened, and I looked away from the window and stared directly at him.

     "Bella has a...boyfriend?! Since when?" I was in utter shock. From what I remembered my sister was overly shy and not a people person. I never expected her to have a bf.  At least not this early on...

    "Since a year ago". Dad replied. "There pretty serious".

    "What's his name?'

Dad sighed, "Edward Cullen". What kind of name was Edward? That seemed like pretty old-fashioned name for someone to have today. And from the way he said it he didn't seem very happy about Bella dating him.

    "What's he like?"

    "He's...well he's different". He answered.

   "Different in a good way...."

He sighed. "I'm not sure".


Dad insisted that he carry in both my bags, but I grabbed them both before he could even turn around. I was used to doing most house hold chores myself when I lived with mom, so I was used to it.

Nothing had changed, and I was a bit reveled. The house was still the same shade of dirty white when I had left, and the grass still seemed to be an uncontrolled mess. The only difference was the old pumpkin colored truck that sat outside.

At first glance I could tell that it was my sisters. She wasn't the type to have some fancy Lexus and she defiantly wasn't the type who complained about it. I was surprised to even see another car in the driveway. Bella was prone to addicted so having a nicely kept car seemed off. I just shook my head and brought both my bags up to my old room.

I couldn't believe that it had been almost ten years since I had been here last. It had only seemed like yesterday that I was got fishing with dad and the Blacks. Or going on father daughter dinners with him. I flashed a smile at the old photos of me and Bella pinned to the walls.

    "If you don't like it you can take it all down". As my eyes drifted across all the old wooden furtuire they landed on a picture of me and...Jake...I couldn't believe that all this time that I had forgotten about Jake. We were such the best of friends back when we were both young. I just hoped that he remembered me.

    "Its fine, dad". I said pulling the picture off the wall. "Hey dad?"

   "Yeah, what is it kiddo?"

I turned with the picture in my hands and handed it to him. Dad pulled the picture from my hand and studied it closely. Then a smile formed across his rough lips.

    "I remember this picture". He said. "You and Jake were pretty close back before..."

Is sighed and patted him on the back. "I know."

     "You know he still lives around here". My dad stated.

I looked up from the picture. "Really? Still on the reservation?" My dad nodded his head up and down and I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't wait to see the look at Jakes face when he saw that I was back in forks for a whole year...

Starting a new story that I'm really thrilled to write. And yes it's a Jacob story.
So I know that I haven't posted anything in while, but a lot has been happening in my life that has to come first, but now I'm in a place where I have time to write this so here you guys go. I hope it's good.

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