Chapter 5

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     A few hours after Bella had come home from Jakes, Jake arrived at our house on his motorcycle. I had no idea that Jacob liked motorcycles, but from what Bella had told me he and she had been working on fixing up some old ones that his dad used to own. It sounded intriguing to me and I decided that i so wanted to get in on that action.

I put on a fresh pair of jeans and pulled my hair back in a long braid. Then I pulled my jacket on over my old t-shirt and went straight down the stairs to answer. Pulling open the door Jake smiled at me. I smiled back as my dad came over to greet who was at the door.

    "Good to see you kid, but I thought you just saw Bella?" Charlie questioned him raising an eyebrow. Jake smiled and looked over at me.

     "I'm actually here to see Alex". Jake replied. Charlie glanced from Jake to me and looked utterly confused.

    "I see". He then taped Jake shoulder as I reached for my shoes. "Well that's goods". I smiled and so did dad. He was happy to see that me and Jake were hanging out again so to be honest so was I. I missed hanging out with him.

    "I'll see you later dad". I said as I shut the door behind us.

    "So, are you finally going to tell me where were going, Mr. Black?" I asked Jake as I took the bike helmet of the seat of his bike and pulled it on over my head, Jake smirked and slid his hands over the handle bars of the bike, raving up the engine. I just rolled my eyes at him. Leave it to Jake to show off whenever he could.

     "You'll see". Was all Jake said to me. I rolled my eyes again and slid on the bike behind him. Then I wrapped my arms around his big. "Hang on tight"

I had never been on a motorcycle in my entire life and now I was never going to get off one. The feeling of the world flying by you. The rush of the wind in your hair and face. It was everything that I had ever wanted. The feeling of being alive. Free from the struggles of the world around you.

I had no idea where Jake was taking me, but I had a feeling that it be somewhere that I had never been before. Even as kid Jake was always the adventurous type. He loved going out hiking, running all the out-door activities. All the same things that I enjoyed doing. At least I did before moving to Arizona. There wasn't much hiking or outdoor activities to do in a super-hot state.

Jake pulled the bike into small a woody area of the vase forests of forks and turned the engine off. I had no idea where we were, but Jake must have so I took his word for it and hoped off of his bike. I unclipped the bike helmet and pulled it off my head. Letting my long brown hair free from its cage.

    "Jake this looks like the sight of a murder". I said looking all around us at the dark woods. "Please tell me that you didn't just bring me out here to murder me in cold blood? Because I'm pretty sure that my shirt is not blood proof". Jake hoped off is bike and let out a deep chuckle.

     "You caught me". He said jokingly. Nudging his elbow, I put the helmet back on the handlebars of his bike and gazed out into the eyes of the trees. As a kid I had spent most of my days exploring these woods as much as I could. Maybe that's why I was my dads favorite. I had a love for the outdoors just like he did.

     "guess I have". I sat as Jake made his way down a path laid out for us. As if the trees had moved aside just for us. "You know, Jake someone's going to start questioning as to why you keep bringing beautiful girls out here". Jake rolled his eyes and nudged me. I nudged him as we came upon a small clearing littered with lights and small campfire that sat smack dap in the center. Absolutely stunning. The lights with the fire from the wood lit up the area around it perfectly. I didn't even know that a place like this even existed here amongst all these trees.

      "Do did you find this?" I questioned Jake as we both sat down on a wooden bench near the fire.

     "I actually made it" He admitted.

    "wait, you made all this? But how?"

Jake smiled up at the sky. "A few years ago, I found this spot. All the ground around here had been poisoned somehow so no trees were going to grow back. So, I took that as a sign and just made myself this little area". Jake answered.

     "what do you do when you're out here?".

Jake smiled and turned his attendance back on me. "I come out here to think"

     "about what?"

Nudging my arm Jake let out a laugh then shifted his body closer to me by just a few centimeters.

     "Nothing important". He said brushing off my question. "anyway, how are you? How are things in Arizona? Its been so long since I've seen you, Alex".

    "Everything's going good. Mom's happy with Phil and I couldn't be prouder of her. She's really trying to be the best fiancé to him and, she's trying to make me happy. She's doing all she can and I'm glad to see her happy". I explained to him.

Jake flashed me a smile. "that's good to hear. I'm sure she's proud of you"

I let out a sigh and looked away from him. I didn't know about that. I had made quite a few mistakes in my life and now I was finally trying to get my life back in order. Or at least get it to a place that I was comfortable with.

      "I'm not sure. Maybe she is". I said. Then I shook my head. "Anyway, I didn't really get to properly thank you Jake for keeping me calm the night that Bella went missing. I owe you one". After all those years apart, it didn't even matter, Jake was there for me in a heartbeat when I desperately needed it most. Time couldn't separate us.

     "I was happy to do it and you needed a friend to lean on, Alex". Jake stated. "And you don't owe me anything". I shook my head at his comment. There was no way in hell that I wasn't going to treat him to something after what he had done for me.

    "Nope. I'm totally treating you". I said.

     "Alex- "

I shook my head at him. He was not going to win. "I've made up my mind. I'm treating you to something. Hiking, fishing whatever you want".


      Jake and I stayed out in that clearing for another hour, before he had decided to take me home. I wanted us to stay out all night to talk about what we had missed out on in each other's lives for the past ten years, but I knew that me and Jake would have many more times to talk.

I also figure that Jake wanted to stay on my dad's good side and I'm pretty sure if he kept me out too long that my dad might start to question him. And I was pretty sure neither of us wanted that. Jake pulled the bike up to the front porch. I pulled the helmet off and smiled at him.

     "I had a nice time tonight Jake. It was great to hang out with you again after all this time". I said thanking Jake.

     "so, did I". Jake said as I made my way to the front door. I glanced back over my shoulder at Jacob as he took off down the road on his bike. Grinning to myself I opened the front door and went straighten up the stairs. Tonight, was such a good night that couldn't stop myself from smiling as I crawled into bed.

    "I missed you Jacob Black". Were the last words that left my lips before I drifted off to the land of dreams and nightmares.

I had such a fun time writing this part! I can't wait for you guys to read!

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