Chapter 17

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A vampire?! Alice was a vampire? Edward was a vampire? My sister was dating a vampire....? Oh my god..

Shaking my head and ran my fingers through my long hair and stepped backwards. What the hell was going on right now?! Was I losing my mind or had my own sister just told me that the figure standing in the living room with us was a vampire?! As in a supernatural creature that feeds on human blood?!

I couldn't believe this.

I wouldn't believe this.

Vampires were fictional creatures that were made up to scare naughty kids. They weren't real. They couldn't be real.

And yet as I glanced over into the kitchen at my boyfriend, who happened to be a werewolf I closed my eyes and tried to calm down my breathing. Strands of hair fell in front of my face and did not bother to push them away.

     "Alex she's not going to hurt you". Bella said trying to reassure me. I shook my head and pushed myself away from her just as Jake came running out of the kitchen. He fell down to me and wrapped me into his arms.

     "Bella she's a freaking vampire!" I shouted. "She-They all drink blood for-"

Alice shook her head. "We drink animal blood". She corrected me. I removed my head from Jake's chest. "We didn't want to be labeled as killers, so we decided to drink animal blood instead. Your sister's right when she says that we won't hurt you".

Still the whole idea of a vampire being around me made me uncomfortable. Werewolves being in my life was unpredictable enough, but now adding vampires to the equation...I couldn't handle it. I let out a breath that I was holding back and pushed myself away from Jake. Then I turned to face my sister. She had known this whole time that she was dating a killer that could hurt her at anytime and she did not eve bother to tell me.

    "And you didn't even bother to tell your sister that your dating a vampire?!" I shouted at her. Bella sighed, and she couldn't even bother to meet my eyes. I rolled my eyes at her then turned to Jake.

     "I thought you said that there were no more secrets between us, Jake?" Tears were beginning to burn my cheeks as they poured from my eyes. This was not what I wanted to have happen today, but it was no matter what. The pain was there, and I could not stop it from flowing out of me.

Jake rested his hands on my forearms. "Alex, I didn't want to hurt you or put you in danger. I-"

     "No". I couldn't do this.

Seeing the pain in his eyes were breaking me. "I'm sorry-"

     "You knew how much I loved my sister and you did even care to mention to me that she was dating a potienal killer?"

I so badly wanted to scream and shout at Jake, but he was hurting as much as I was, and I did not want to regret saying anything to him. I needed time to think. I needed time to be alone. To be away from all this.

     "I need to be alone.... for a while". I wanted them all to know. "I think you should leave Jake".


I shook my head and pushed Jake away as my sister and Alice looked towards each other.

    "Jake please. Do this for me".

   "for how long?"

I wasn't sure how much time I needed, but I just needed it. "I don't know. I'll call you when I'm ready to talk. Goodbye Jake". With that Jake hung his head and slammed the door shut behind him. This day started out so nice and heart was shattered into a million pieces.

I pulled my hood over head and began to head upstairs just as I felt a hand latch onto me. I sighed and glanced over my shoulder to find Alice staring at me.

      "I know you don't want to talk-"

      "Why did you leave? All of you put my sister through hell. Why should I even talk to you after what you did? After what he did?"

      "We didn't leave Bella because we wanted to. We left her because it was dangerous". Alice stopped and glanced down at the stairs. "Because we are dangerous. At Bella's birthday party something happened, and Edward realized that she didn't belong in out world". I sighed and pulled my arm free from her very tight grip.

     "He could have called her. Even if it was just to see if she was okay". I stated to her turning to face Alice. Alice's honey colored eyes meant mine and I could see the humanity in them.

    "You think we don't care about your sister? You think that I don't care about her? Bella is like a sister to me. I care about her". Something in her voice made me realize that she was telling the truth, but after what her brother had done I wasn't so sure if I could ever trust him or them again.

     "Then maybe you should had tried more". Was the last thing either of us said to each other as I stumbled my way up the stairs to my room. Slamming the door behind me and I crumbled down to the floor letting the tears just burn every inch of my very soul.

      The rest of the night became such a blur to me. after I had collapsed against the back of my bedroom door with hot tears in my eyes I heard the sound of car tires driving away or passed the house. I didn't care who or what it was. All I knew was that I wanted to be alone from the world.

Around two am is when I heard the banging on my door. My eyes were still coated with tears and my face burned hot. I pulled myself up slowly from the bed and opened it. Charlie stood plain as door on the other side still in uniform.

      "Do you know where you sister went?" I shook my head as a few more tears fell from my eye.

      "I-I don't". I whispered. "She was gone before I got back". I hated lying. Especially to him, but I had no choice. He didn't need to be mixed up in all this. As Charlie turned to leave he glanced down at my red puffy eyes and placed both his hands on my shoulders.

     "Kiddo, what happened?"

I couldn't hold it in any longer. Pulling him closer me to me I just let all the tears left escape me.

    "We had a fight". I managed to get out through all the tears. "Jake he...lied to me and I- "

Maybe I was over reacting to the whole thing, but my own sister and boyfriend had kept such a huge thing from me. Bella had put herself in a dangerous situation since she had moved here, and she almost lost her life. Twice. All because of him. Some stupid guy.

     "Well did you talk to him about it?"

I sighed then shook my head. "No. I told him that I wanted to be alone for a while". Charlie smiled then pulled away from me.

     "Jake's a good kid, Alex. I'm sure what he did he had a good reason for doing it, but you were right to say that you need some time". Smiling I wiped the rest of the tears from my eyes as he patted me on the back.

Sometimes dad knew just what to say to a person when they needed it most. Why I didn't come to him before ill never know.

     "Thanks, Dad".

     "Your welcome and if you hear from your sister please have her call me. I'm worried about her". Charlie replied as he walked out of my room and down the hall to his. I sighed and pulled the cover back of my head.

You and me both, dad......

It's the last chapter guys. Slowly working on book 2, but thank you guys for being patient with me. I appreciate it.

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