Chapter 9

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It had been a weeks since I had last seen Jake and talked to him and I was being to grow anxious. I had not heard a single word from him since. I just wanted to know if he was doing any better after what had happened at the movies. He wasn't himself and that bothered me.

Even when I was away, Bella had me that Jake was a nice guy and that he was good to be around. She never mentioned once to me that Jake had this rude side to him. And if he did I didn't think I wanted any part of it.

Bella and I had had been trying our best to not worry about Jake so much, but that wasn't working so well on my part. I had left him about a million phone calls and messages and I had not gotten a single call or message back and it was beginning to piss me off.

Letting out a sigh I placed two waffles into the toaster and pulled my hair up into a very messy top bun. Then I grabbed the bowl of butter from the fridge and pulled out a small knife from the drawer. As my perfectly crisp toast popped up from the toaster Charlie walked into the room with the newspaper in hand. He sat down at the table and began to read.

     "Moring kiddo". Dad greeted me. I smiled and started to butter my toast. Then I slid the chair out next to him and sat down.

    "Moring". I took of bit of my toast and hearing the crunch from my teeth biting down my dad sat his paper down.

     "Heard anything from Jake?" I sighed looking down at my plate. Then I shook my head slowly hearing a sigh coming from my dad's lips.

    "Im sorry, Alex". I knew that he was just as puzzled as both me and Bella were as to why Jake hadn't called us back. Charlie had watched Jake grow up these last ten years and even he was confused by how Jake was acting.

I let out a sigh and looked up from my plate. While trying to put on a smile for him. "Its not your fault. You don't have to apologize".

     "I know, kiddo, but I hate how this hurting you". His voice was soft and low as he brushed his fingers over my hand. Then gripped it tightly.

I smiled slightly. "Its affecting Bella too".

Then he smiled back at me. "Well. Yes, but you haven't seen Jake in ten years and.." he looked away for a minute. There was hesitation in his voice. He was holding back something from me and I wanted to know why?


He sighed. "and..well I see the you talk about him, Alex". Color flooded to my cheeks making me look away from my dad's eyes. Was he really suggesting that I liked Jake.? I couldn't. But then why in the world would I be blushing...? I shook my head.


    "I'm just saying what I see, kiddo". He replied. "You and Jake have always been close and maybe."

I sighed and meant his eyes again. "Maybe".

     All afternoon the conversation from this morning kept playing over and over in my head. Maybe my dad was right. Maybe I did care about Jake as more than just a friend. I let out a breath out that I didn't know that I was holding in and went back to working on my biology 2 homework.

    "I give up". I said flapping onto my bed. I was so not cut out for this. I was only two hours into this paper and I couldn't take it anymore. I shut my laptop off and slid it back into my bag. I needed a break from all this, so I pulled myself from my bed and put on some comfy clothes and headed straight for Bella's truck. I hoped she wouldn't mind that I was taking it for a drive, but she wasn't home, so I figured she wouldn't care about it all too much.

Before leaving the house, I had decided to send a text to Charlie telling him that id be out for a little bit and that id probably be home before ten. Then I shut my phone off and took Belles truck to the one place that would make me feel happy again.

I shut off the engine and just sat in complete darkness.

This spot.

Me and Jake's spot. I hadn't come here in months and I missed it.

The crisp air, warm fire and smell of pine filled my very soul making me wish that Jake was here with me. I wrapped my arms around myself just for a few moments before stepping out of the truck. I slammed the door shut and followed the sounds of the trees to our spot.

I sat down on the same log that we both sat down on that perfect evening. Then I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed his number.

Of course, it was no surprise that I got his answering machine.

    "Hey Jake. It's me again. I know there must be some reason why your not returning my calls or texts, but-" I sighed as a few tears slid down my cheeks. "But I just hope that your okay and that everything is going good for you. Bella and I are here you, if you ever need anything". I wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled my hood up.

    "I.. I miss you Jake".

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