Chapter 11

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      "That's it!" Bella shouted one morning, as we were just finishing up the morning dishes. I looked up from the kitchen table to see her slamming shut a cabinet door. She was not in a good mood today and I could not figure out why. "Were going to see him! Now!"

I nearly choked on my spit. Was she serious?!

    "Bella-" I began to say as she clearly ignored me and went straight into the other room. I rolled my eyes and followed in pursuit. What had gotten into her all of a sudden?!

She began to zip up her jacket "Are your sure about this?" as much as I wanted to see him too I did not want to make any more trouble for anyone, including Jake. After all that had happened that was the last thing that I wanted.

    "I'm sure". Bella replied looking down at the ground. "You and me both deserve an answer. Besides I think your heart needs it too".

Bella was right about that. My heart needed to know if Jake was doing okay and so did hers. After all the pain and frustration that I had experienced over the last month I needed to see him.
To know that he was alight. Even safe. I had-we had every right to march right over there and to demand answers. We deserved that much at least..
After ten whole years of being away from my best friend I wasn't about to not see him for another two or even three.
     "You ready?" I nodded my head and followed my sister out the door and into her old rusted colored truck.

              When Bella pulled the truck up to Jake's I felt like I was going to pass out from the anxiety growing in my chest. Was it so hard for him or even his dad to just tell me that he was okay? I mean Billy knew how close we were. Why couldn't he say something to me?

As both of us got out of her truck and she placed a hand on my shoulder as we walked up to his house.
     "I'll knock". Bella replied. I breathed in and out slowly trying to relax myself for whatever was about to happen. Bella brought her hand up to the door and knocked on it three times.

Billy finally opened the door wheeled himself out to greet us. He began gaze at us with nervous eyes. He did not seem happy to see us and I wanted to know why? I took Bella's hand in mine and we stood our ground. We both needed answers.

     "Alex its good to see you again after all these years". His eyes moved to Bella's. "Bella, its good to see you-"

     "Where is he?"

Billy sighed and looked away from us. "He's not here". That was the biggest lie that I had ever heard, and I knew that he knew that too.
     "I don't believe you". Bella clenched her teeth and managed to sneak passed Billy's wheelchair.

    "Bella stop-"I didn't bother to hear another word from him. I dashed right passed him too after my sister. Bella opened Jake's door and I gasped at the guy laying asleep in Jake's bed. Ripped, cut black spiky hair and a large Indian looking tattoo now covered Jake's body. He had become so different since I had last seen him, and I was dazed as to why?

Before I could begin to process this all my sister dashed quickly out of the room and I could see her approaching a group of shirtless tan guys outside. She walked right up to them and began yelling at them all. Though I was not very close I could sense that they were not very friendly people. Something about the way that they held themselves together did not sit well with me.
Something seemed strange and off putting about the way that they looked.

I rushed outside to try to stop my sister from doing something reckless. As I began to approach her I could see that I was too late. My sister had once again done something stupid. She had slapped one of them across the check and he was not happy about it. I hadn't even made it that far from the house when the guy who my sister had just slapped morphed into...a big brownish gray wolf. Almost the size of a bear.

Bella feel back against the dying grass while I stood there in plain shock. What the hell was going on here?! That guy had just turned into a wolf. No a werewolf?
Clearly I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, and yet here it was standing right in front of me with its round yellow eyes locked onto my sister.

The wolf scrunched up his nose then began to charge at my sister. I wanted to scream out her name. Tell her to run, but my voice was stuck in my throat.
As I looked over at her, Bella pushed herself out of the way as the wolf..guy. whatever.

Thanks goodness that she got out of his way. However as the wolf missed my sister it locked its yellow eyes onto me and I knew that that was not good for me. I had to run. Get as far away from here as I could, but I knew that it could out run me in a heartbeat and it seemed that my legs were not going to move.

I was frozen in place with no time to react as he came straight at me. I closed my eyes and placed my arms over my face.


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