Chapter 10

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   I pulled the covers over my bed and groaned so loudly that I swear it would have woken the dead. I did not want to move. Let alone get out of bed this morning. I was just not feeling it one bit.
    One more week had passed and neither me nor Bella had heard anything from Jake. Part of me had just given up on him while another part of me wanted drive over to his house and beat the crap out of him for what he was putting us through.

Damn you Jake.

Damn it all to hell.

Finally, two hours after I woke up I rolled myself out from my perfectly cozy cave and decided that I didn't care what I looked like today. A messy hair and Pajamas day sounded good to me. And as I found my way down the stairs I could see that Bella was feeling that kind of day too.

    "You look awful". She said biting down on her piece of half burnt toast.

   "Right back at you, Bells". I said chuckling.

Bella rolled her eyes at me and I turned my back to her while making myself some breakfast.

   "So, have you heard anything from Jake yet?" I shook my head Bella let out a sigh. I let out a sigh as well and looked down at my bowl of cereal.

Jake why...

Why couldn't you just send us a text or a short call to tell us that you are okay.

After that whole movie get together situation, where he completely went against how he normally acts you think he'd want to make sure to tell us that he was fine. Feeling much better, but no.

Not a single damn word

No call. No text.


Blinking back a few tears that had stayed inside me, I took a spoonful of honey nut cheerios and joined my sister at the table.
      "You talked to mom lately?". I asked Bella, changing the subject to something more cheerful. Taking a bit of her cereal in her mouth she shook her head.

     "I've tried, but..." She hesitated. I knew that having Jake ignore her and that the fact that that ass whole Edward leaving was not having a good affect on her.

     "Every time I started to dial her number I know she's going to ask about....him and I just can't do it".

Sighing I glanced up at her. "I've already told her, Bells".
Bella choked on her cereal and stared up at me. "Your what?! Alex-"

     "She's our mom, Bells. I had to". I stated firm. "Besides, she promised she wouldn't bring him up".
Bella turned away from me.
      "She misses you. We all do".
Bella signed and finished up her breakfast. "I'll call her later today".

I smiled and took another bite. "Thank you".

        Hours later Charlie called both of us to say that he wouldn't be home for a few more hours. He had been taking on longer hours at the station and I could hear the exhaustion in his voice. The whole police station was drowned down in a big murder case a few miles away from here and it was starting to get to him. But he reassured us that he'd get more sleep tomorrow and finally take a day off which made me worry less about him.

However, he only promised to get more sleep if both me and Bella went out and did something. And I knew that there was no way that they could get out of it, so I just promised dad that we would and with that I decided to take my sister out and treat her to a small diner cause we both deserved it.

I know it's short, but since the whole computer issues I've had to start from chapter 9 all over again. Which sucks, but it happens.

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