Chapter 4

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It was if the world had stopped. gone dark.

Bella had not come out of her room in two months and I was starting to get worried. It was not normal nor healthy for a person to stay locked in their room this long. I know that my sister was not a people person, but this..this was insane. Not even a person who hated people would avoid human content this much. It was not human what she was doing. The affect it was having on me was not good. Most nights I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning in my bed trying to not to stay awake. But I was having no luck what so ever.

Neither was Charlie. Night after night Bella's endless nightmares had kept him awake and it was so difficult to see him wake every night to try to comfort Bella and I just wanted to reassure him that everything was going to be alright, but I was starting to have my doubts about this whole situation.

All of this was eating away at me from the inside and I couldn't even begin to imagine how this was affecting Bella. She must have been going crazy with depression and grieve. Why couldn't she just tell us what was going on with her. I just wanted to know what was up with her. Was that so wrong?


As it was nearing the end of January I had made up my mind that enough was enough. I was over this troubled and moody sister of mine. She had like this for far too long. I could tell that dad agreed with me on this from the distressing way that he had been carrying himself these last few months. He was tired and overworked and he just needed a damn break from all of Bella's annoying actions.

Both of us couldn't go on like this and neither could Bella. Not only was she distancing herself from us, but she was also pulling away from her friends. And it needed to stop. Now!

     "I think your sister needs to go back to Jacksonville". Dad said breaking the silence at breakfast. I let out angrily sigh and nodded my head.

    "I couldn't agree more with you". I knew my dad did not want to send Bella back to Arizona, but she wasn't really giving him any choice. She obsvioly miserable here and not a damn thing seemed to be helping her out of this darkness. This was pretty much our only option.

    "I just know that its going to upset her". Dad said.

I sighed. "She needs to hear it, dad". I placed a hand over his shoulder. "She. Me. You. We can't live like this anymore. Its like Bella has become a zombie in her own home". He needed to hear this. Sure, it would upset Bella to hear that she had to leave, for all our sakes, but it was the truth and the truth did hurt to hear sometimes.

    "I know kiddo".

   "If you want, dad I could do it". I suggested. He shook his head his head as we heard the steps creek outside the kitchen. I wonder if she had heard us talking? I shook my head as a corpse of my sister made her way into the kitchen. She poured herself a bowl of oats and grabbed herself a spoon. Just before she was about to leave I reached out and pulled her back towards the table.

    "Kiddo we need to talk". Dad said firmly. from his tone of voice, he wasn't suggesting that we talk, but rather that he was telling her. Ordering her that they were going to talk.

    "I-I can't". that was not my sisters voice. It was colder more bitter. It was as if someone had come in the middle of the night and had taken it.

My dad slammed his fit against the wood of the table. "That's it". He raised his voice at her. "your moving back to Jacksonville with her mother'. He stated with no hesitation. I glanced over my sister to see her in utter shock. It was like someone had punched the life out of her. Or whatever life she still had left inside.

     "Da-I can't". she was stumbling with her words. "you cant."

     "You've been neglecting your friends and your own sister. Bells that's not healthy". He explained to her.

     "I-I have plans with Jessica tonight..." Bella blurted out without even thinking. I chuckled to myself. That was utter bullshit. She had no plans with Jess at all. I didn't even think she liked Jessica anymore. I wasn't so sure if I did to be honest.

     "You do?"

Bell shook her head. "Were..umm going to that new movie"

My dad glanced over at me and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Well then have fun with her, but were still not done- "

     "dad please..."

Charlie shook his head and stood up from the table. "Bella he's not coming back". He shouted ta her. I did not bother to turn to look at my sister. I knew that comment had hit her hard, but she needed to hear it.

     "I'll spend time with my friends. And I'll go over to see Jake". Bella said hoping to please our dad happy. "please just don't send me back to live with mom."

     "Fine". He said sliding his dish into the sink. "I just want you to be you again kiddo". And with that dad left me and my sister in the kitchen alone. I shook my head and put dish away too.

     "You better not break your promise to him". I said. "He's been through a lot because of you. we both have". I left the room not even caring to look back at her or hear a response from her.


    Bella was trying and we both could see it. She went back to sitting with all of us at lunch and being more involved at home and I knew that made dad happy. I was still unsure for how it would last, but I just decided to forget about that and focus on her improvement so far. Which seemed to be growing here and there and I could see dad improving right along with her. He was becoming increasingly involved in our lives and I was glad to see that.

As I woke up one morning in March I noticed that Belles truck was gone and so was our dads. I knew that Charlie was off to work, but where the heck was Bella? Why wouldn't she tell me where she was going so early in the morning?

Getting out of bed I noticed that my screen was flashing with a picture of...Jake. I rolled out of bed and picked up my phone.

      "Glad to see that your up. Bella says your one deep sleeper". Jake said on the other side of the line. I rolled my eyes and let out a laugh.

     "Ha-ha very funny. Speaking of my sister do you know where she is?"

     "She's over at my place right now". He replied settling my nerves. What a relief.

     "Thanks Jake. For telling me. Apparently, she's not so good at telling her own family where she goes". Jake chuckled.

    "Guess I'll have to remind her to so next time".

I smiled. "Sure, she'd probably listen to you more then me". I said with a big grin across my face. I pinched the phone between my ear and right shoulder as I pulled on a pair of college sweat pants. Then pulled an old pink Floyd tee over my head and adjusted it.

    "Hey, are you free tonight?" Jake asked me through the phone.

    "Besides making dinner for Charlie my schedule is open. Why do you ask"

    "We did never get a chance to finish catching up the other day..." He was getting at. I smiled and pulled a hand on my hip.

    "What did you have in mind?"

Jake and Alex chapter is up next! I'm excited

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