Chapter 6

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            As the days melted into weeks I found myself spending more and more time at jakes. With my own sister. Usually Jake would take me out on evenings to that secret clearing of ours, but finally Jake had asked if I had wanted to join him and Bella in the afternoons to work on fixing up his new bike project. Of course, I couldn't say no to him. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could.

Bella did not seem to mind having me tag along and I was glad to not only be spending time with Jake, but also with her.

Since the night that she went missing we hadn't really spoken to each other. I figured that she needed her space with everything that had happened to her. She still had not opened up to me about why Edward had left and where he was. Part of me wanted to tell her that everything would be okay and that maybe had come back, but another part of me wanted to find Edward and kill him for what he was doing to Bella.

     If Edward really loved and cared about her as much as she said he did then why in the world would he just up and abandon her like that? It made no sense what so ever. I just wanted to find out what was wrong with Edward and why he just up and left someone that he cared about...

That afternoon Bella had taken us to jakes with a few dirt bikes strapped to the back of her truck. I didn't know where and how she got these pieces, but I wasn't going to ask about it. I did not want to ruin our day with Jake by asking her a whole lot of questions.

Bella parked her truck near Jake's motorcycle in the front of his house. Stepping out of the truck I was greeted to a warm hug from Jake.

     "Glad to see you guys could come". Jake said in an excited voice as he pulled away from me and pulled Bella into a hug. He then glanced over at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back.

     "Wouldn't miss it". I said crossing my arms over my chest as Jake pulled down the hitch of the truck. He then proceeded to slide his hands underneath the bike and lifted it straight out of the back of Bella's truck. Without even breaking a sweat.

      "Jeez Jake". I was shocked. "When did you get so strong?" Jake smirked and lifted the other bike out of the truck as if it were nothing. Had I missed something? I did not remember Jake being this strong when we were kids.

    "Don't know". He said. "it just sort of happened". He joked. Both me and Bella rolled our eyes at each other.

     "Hmm...I'm sure it did".

This chapter was too long so I decided to split it up. The next chapter which should be up next weekend is the other part of  this.

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