Chapter 2

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Opening your eyes hearing the loud chirp of your alarm, you groan and click it off while sitting up, the sun starting to peak through your curtains.

Getting up and looking in your closet, you pout at the lack of clothing to choose from.

You live in your practice clothes, which aren't the best looking considering you're only practicing alone in the ice rink with your coach.


Finally settling on your blush pink leather jacket with a black t-shirt underneath, matching black ripped jeans and black ankle boots, you pull your hair back into a thick ponytail and grab your purse.

Walking downstairs you see your mom sitting at the kitchen table, all of the bills laid out in front of her and her trusty calculator she's used for years.

"I um...I'm going out..."

"Heh? I thought you didn't have practice today?"

Blushing softly, you look down and kick your feet, slightly embarrassed.

"I...I'm going to but some new skates..."

You watch as a smile stretches across your mother's beautiful face, she loves nothing more than you spoiling yourself.

"Alright dear! Do you need any extra to cover them? Here, I have some extra so you can buy a new outfit!"

You shake your head and hold up your hands to halt her.

"Mom, no. Keep that money for bills, I won't exceed the amount I have with me alright?"

She looks slightly disappointed, but relieved that she doesn't have to recalculate all of the bills.

With a quick kiss on her cheek, you walk out the door and start your old beat up car your parents surprised you with when you had turned 16.

You always had to catch a cab in the past on your way to competitions and practice, this caused multiple deductions from coming late so this car means the absolute world to you.


Driving down the busy streets of your town, you enjoy the free feeling of not having practice until tomorrow, your legs actually get to rest for a day, and your ears get a break from your coach's constant screaming.

Pulling up in front of the mall, you heave a deep sigh and get out of your car. For some reason your stomach feels uneasy when you're about to enter the giant glass mall.

You've never really fit in with many girls, all of them constantly worried about boys, makeup, and fancy clothing. None of that has ever mattered to you, all that has mattered is being the best at skating.

Even in school, girls used to snicker behind your back at your constant want for winning, being the highest graded student in your graduating class gave you a sense of extreme confidence, but also brought on extreme bullying.

Guys in school never showed an interest either, they all thought that you performing in men's skating was a taboo, they constantly called you various names referring to you as a boy instead of a female.

All those constant nights of crying from the bullying only fueled your want to be the best though, and that is your only goal in life.

If only Park freaking Jimin would lose for once, that is.


Walking inside of the mall, you look around at the countless amount of beautifully dressed girls all gathered at the food court, enjoying decadent fried foods you onky wish to ever taste.

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