Chapter 58

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"I'll get it!"

Your voice echoes through the small office room of the sauna as the elderly woman smiles, her head shaking back and forth quickly.

"Aigoo child. You need to be resting! Not lifting things for this old woman."

"No's the least I can do for you letting me stay here..."

"Aigoo...such a well mannered child."

The way she speaks reminds me of Jin...

He always acted like he was an old man...

Ah....I miss him...and his amazing cooking...

"I have some rice cakes left over from last night, how about you have one."

"Halmeoni don't have to feed me like this."

"You've been here for a week now and I've never seen you go out to eat! I know you have no money child. Eat up please."


You sit down at the desk and whine when she picks the bowl up, a soft tsk escaping her red lips.

"Go outside and eat child, you can't hole yourself up in here you'll turn white as a ghost."

With a frown you slip the bag of rice cakes in your bag and open the door, the cool air blowing your hair off your face.

"Thanks Halmeoni...I'll be back."

"I Don't wanna see you back until dark!"

"Alright! Gosh."

You give her a smile and a wave before using your crutches to push you along the small sidewalk, the salty air filling your senses.


At least it's peaceful here...

The others would've looked for me if I had stayed in that town....

It's better for me soon as my ankle heals up I'll be able to get a part time job and get myself on my feet...

Maybe...I just need to give up skating...

Ignoring the strange stares of onlookers, you carefully pull yourself down the busy street of the tiny town, tears threatening to roll down your cheeks again.

How can a person cry this much...

I just want to go home...and have my family waiting for mom cooking up her famous soup she always made whenever I was upset...

Why did she insist on leaving me behind?...

Was I that bad?

Carefully wiping your tears away with your fist, you look up and see stone steps leading down to a playground, a group of guys all playing basketball.

I'll just sit here and arms are already killing me...

Placing your crutches beside you, you settle your body on the top stair and tug the bag of rice cakes out of your bag, your stomach already growling.

Yeah yeah yeah I'll feed you...

The stretchy cake melts in your mouth the second you take a bite as you watch the group of boys, a dark haired one jumping up and dunking the ball right in the net.

These guys are good..

I wonder if they're professionals.


Your eyes widen and dart over to the figure standing with the ball in his hands, his black eyeballs staring straight at you.

Oh no.


You throw the bag of rice cakes in your bag as quickly as possible trying to get away, before you can he runs up the stairs and looks at you with shock.

"This is where you've been?!"

"I-I...don't tell Jimin."

"I won't, don't worry."

Jungkook sits the ball down beside him and plops on the stair, sweat beading down his neck.

"How did you get this far out here? It's a good thirty minute drive for me."


You look away from Jungkook with a frown as he nods and watches the guys play, a small smile on his face.

" your leg doing any better?"

"Yeah no thanks to you."

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean for that to happen. I didn't think Mingi was capable of that."

"Is what it is."

Jungkook heaves a deep sigh and leans forward, his hands clasped together in front of him.

"I um...I'm sorry that you and Jimin didn't work out."

Your heart stings with pain the second his name leaves Jungkook's lips, a single tear escaping down your cheek.

"Is what it is..."

"To be honest I didn't think he was capable of it really, Jimin's kind of a coward when it comes to being assertive."


"He's sneaky, he goes behind people's backs and takes things that aren't his, like how he stole Patches from you."

It's like your head is on a pivot as you turn towards Jungkook, a sudden sense of panic rolling through your insides.

"What did you just say?"

"Huh? I said like he stole Patches-"

"How did you know that was the name of my song?"

Jungkook seems momentarily shocked as he looks at you and breathes a laugh, his hand rubbing the back of his head.

"Jimin told me-"

"Jimin wouldn't tell you that. He and I may be at odds but you two have never gotten along. Jungkook, how did you know that was the name of my song?"

"Y/N it's no big deal-"

"No big deal? Jimin and I were the only two people that knew the name of that song."

Jungkook looks at you with a blank stare, his eyes swirling with both panic and anger as you stand up and look down at him.

"You did this...didn't you..."

"What no I-"

"You planned all of this didn't you?! Was this one of your evil schemes Jungkook?! Did you do all of this from the start?!"

"Look it wasn't supposed to go like this! You were supposed to choose me so Jimin could suffer!"

You stand back appalled as Jungkook stands up and smiles at you, his eyes now crazed with an odd expression.

"Jimin should have to feel the pain of losing someone that means so much to you. At the party, you were supposed to choose me but didn't, instead Jimin brain washed you into making you his! Then you were supposed to choose me when Collin was left at the hotel but still, you didn't choose me."

Your feet practically give beneath you as you fall down to your knees, your heart now slamming in your chest.

"He ruined everything for me, so I had to ruin everything for him in return."

Oh my God...



(A/N): One chapter and one Special left 💜

Also Exotaec likes this story I am now on cloud 9 y'all they're 👌 when it comes to fanfics I'm literally dead from fangirling

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