A Dream Come True

18.6K 732 68

Everyone, it is I Haru, coming to you with something very important to say.

Thank you.

Because of all of you, this story hit number 1 in Fanfiction.

Out of 1.03 MILLION stories, this story hit number 1.

Because of you this dream of mine, this silly little story idea that popped into my head, has received such a prestigious amount of recognition.

When I saw the rating, I started crying because of how happy I was. When I began writing I got excited when 2 people would read my story, one person leaving a kind comment.

Still to this day I get so excited when I see you all voting, commenting, and genuinely loving my stories.

No matter how many reads this story has, no matter how many votes it may receive, I still see every vote and every comment you all post on here and they still give me butterflies and make me so excited.

This right here, is my grand thank you to you, without every single one of you this journey would not have been made possible, my idea would still just be an idea bobbing around in my head.

I am speaking to you, my reader, the precious soul taking time out of their day to read my story, and again I thank you for doing this.

You are all so important to me, and I will never be able to thank you enough for the gift you have given me. All the hours I spent nervous that this story wouldn't succeed and that it would ultimately fail.

I love you all, and like I said, the gift you have given me is far more than I will ever be able to give back to you.

Thank you for making my story, A Dream Come True.

Forever and Always


Icy Dreamer |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now