Chapter 56

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No way.....

How could he...

You miss the obvious shocked expression on Jimin's face as you stand up and slightly stumble backwards, every single key of the melody making you feel like your spine is being shoved to your knees.



He wouldn't...


"He...that...that's...that's my song!"

You watch with wide eyes as Jimin changes his stance and begins your entire routine, his body twirling and twisting every move perfectly.


You can't take your eyes off of the horrific sight in front of you, a single tear rolling down your face as you watch the routine you practiced all of these months being shown by another.

"Y/N-ah...Jimin wouldn't-"

"I have to get out of here."

The whole rink feels like it's about to fall on top of you as you quickly grab your crutches and try to get yourself down the concrete stairs quickly, your heart about to explode in your chest the longer you have to hear your song.

How could he.

I let him listen to it.

I let him be a part of it.

He stole it.

You choke out a strangled cry as you hop down each stair, Jin quickly trying to follow behind you speaking as fast as he can.

"Y/N-ah this is not Jimin I promise he wouldn't do something like this."

"Well it looks like he is. I have to get out of here Jin please just....I need some air."

You get to the bottom of one flight of stairs and look over at the rink, the betrayal lacing your insides with a white hot pain.


I loved him....

He did this...

He told me he loved me....

We practiced together....

Why would someone do this?...

You continue trying hard to get down the stairs as you catch the attention of many onlookers getting back in their seats, their faces all twisting in confusion at your apparent tears.

Did he want this to happen?

Was this the whole reason?

To steal my precious song?

You finally get to the bottom of the stairs and heave a deep strangled breath, your body feeling like it's about to cripple and fall to the ground.

I can't breathe...

I have to get out of here.

You spin around when you hear the final chime of the melody, the tears rolling down your face when you recognize the small piano sequence.

The nutcracker....

That was the best moment of my life...

The greatest song...

You watch Jimin look through the crowd quickly trying to find you as the announcer puts his lips to the microphone.

"Thank you all contestants. All others please join on the ice for the results."

The other skaters all make their way to the center ring, taking your eyes off of Jimin while the scoreboard lights up.

"First we will announce third place, will Choi Seung Gi please skate forward."

The male skates forward and bows down to the man in the middle as a medal gets placed on his neck, the announcers voice echoing through the claps of the audience.

"And in Second place,"

Please no...

"Park Jimin."

You stumble backwards and practically fall down when you see him skate forward and accept the medal, your vision beginning to feel blurry.


Even Park Jimin....

With more first place medals than anyone...

Got second place with my song.

All you can muster is an exasperated sigh as you turn around and stand there in pain, your head hanging down as the tears stream down both of your cheeks.


Jimin's voice is almost alien as you hear his skates clicking against the concrete, his fingers tenderly grazing your arm.

"Don't touch me!"

You spin around in fury as Jimin pulls his hand away, his face twisted with sadness and grief.

"Y/N I promise I didn't mean to take your-"

"I don't want to hear it! You're the only one that's heard that song Jimin! Is this what it's been this whole time? Was this the whole reason you talked to me?! The reason we performed together for months like this?! Just....just to steal a second place performance?..."

Your voice fails you as more tears drip onto the soft blue material of your shirt, your body backing up when Jimin tries to touch you again.

"Don't...don't touch me..."

"Sweetheart I-"

"No....we're....we're over....I never want to see you're cruel....I've never done anything to you..."

Jimin looks at you in complete white hot shock as you turn around and grit your teeth together, your heart now a hollow hole of pain electrifying through your veins.

"Sweetheart listen to me-!"

"'ve done enough Jimin....I'll be out of your house by tonight. Thanks for everything I guess."

"No Y/N!"

You grab your crutches tightly and push yourself to the double doors of the skating rink, the sun doing very little to warm the cold ebbing pain all over your body.

"Y/ least let me drive You home..."

"No. I can get myself back."

"Get in the car. You can make whatever choice you want when we get home but right now get in the car."

You give a sharp nod as you get in the car with Jin and lean your head up against the window, another tear trickling down your cheek and soaking into the dress you spent so long picking out for this perfect day.

What...what am I going to do now?...

(A/N): *prepares for your yelling*

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