Chapter 51

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"Ready for practice Chim?"

Your heart flutters softly when Jimin walks out of his room in his tight black Gucci t-shirt, his eyes hesitant when he lays his face in your neck.

"Sweetheart are you sure you don't need to stay home one more day?...."

"You just want to stay home so we can cuddle more."

Jimin's boyish smile returns as he lays his hands on your waist and places a soft kiss by your ear.

"Well....yeah....but you still don't look should stay home one more day and enjoy my cuddles."

"Jimin we have a competition coming up in a week. If we don't practice then I'll never be able to kick your add and take first place."


Jimin kisses your forehead and peppers softer kisses down your jaw, his eyes laced with mischief.

"Sweetheart, you'll never beat me."

"Hey! You could have a little faith in me!"

You giggle and give Jimin a friendly punch as he looks into your eyes with gleaming admiration.

"I do have faith in you Sweetheart. I promise."

Gosh....he's been so lovey dovey ever since the party incident....

I mean he's lovey dovey anyway but this is extra....

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it though.

"Come on ChimChim let's get to practice."

"So no cuddles? Really?"



"Ahhh there's sleeping beauty and her Prince! Good morning!"

"Morning Jin Hyung."

Jimin pouts behind you as you walk into the kitchen and greet Jin, who's sitting at the table on his phone.

"What's he pouting about?"

"I won't stay home and cuddle him."

"Y/N-ah....are you sure one more day of rest isn't needed? You could get hurt trying to practice if you aren't well rested."

"Jin Oppa I'm fine I promise."

"There's a difference in being fine when relaxing and being fine when you're doing an extreme sport Y/N-ah...but if you insist, I at least want you to sit down and eat breakfast."

"Ugh fine."

You sit down at the table and smile at the omelet in front of you, your eyes narrowed towards Jin.

"You planned this didn't you."

"Of course! My two athletes need to stay healthy!"

You roll your eyes softly and dig into the omelet, Jimin's eyes staying trained on you the whole time.


"Alright you two....have fun today and be careful! Y/N-ah if you don't feel well just come home!"

You give Jin a soft wave as you get into the passenger seat of Jimin's car, the heat blowing on your chilly face.

"Jin is like a mom."

"Yeah...Jin Hyung really stepped up after our mom left...he has taken care of everything for all these years."

"Does....does he have the same Dad as you?..."

The car falls silent as Jimin gives a soft sigh, his head shaking tenderly.

"No...he doesn't....before Jungkook and I our mom had what called a "fling" with a guy, she got pregnant with Jin Hyung and apparently the guy was rough. He was murdered in some kind of gang or something."

Gosh....their mom is interesting...

"You have to remember....our mom...marries for money. She gets with people for money. I don't want to say bad things about mom....but its the truth."

"I'm sorry Jimin..."

"Don't be. We've made it on our own without her. One day, I'll be an olympic skater and I won't need her money. I'll have Jin Hyung living with me so we can live on our own."


You smile softly and place your hand on his shoulder comfortingly, your heart warm and fuzzy.

"You'll be the best Olympic skater Chimchim."

Jimim turns and gives you a soft wink, his eyes gleaming with warmth.

"So will you Sweetheart."


"Alright! Let's get right to it. You two need to practice for the competition, we must make up for lost time."

You nod softly and finish lacing up your skates as Jimin goes out to his side of the rink, his perfect figure already in position.

I could watch him skate all day....he's so handsome....

"Y/N! Get to skating!"

"S-sorry coach!"

You snap out of your trance and skate to the other side of the rink and sigh, your eyes trained on the ice.

My head still feels foggy....

Maybe I should've stayed home again today...


Winners don't win by staying home.

I can do this.

You heave a deep sigh and get into position as the soft twinkle begins in the melody you created, a small smile already widening on your face.

Now this makes me think of Jimin sitting in my room with me when I was working on it....and how he loved it...



You quickly take off on your skates and catch up to the melody, your legs slightly feeling like jello.

Push through.

Push through.

"Keep your form Y/N!"

"Yes ma'am!"

You focus hard and straighten your legs, your feet gliding against the ice wobbly.

One jump and I'll stop.

I don't feel good....

You prepare for your jump and spin into the air, your body beginning the perfect spiral.


You widen your eyes in panic when you and Jimin smack into each other, your leg making a nauseating cracking sound the second you hit the ice.

Oh shit.

"Sweetheart! Are you alright?! Why were you all the way over here?!"

You try your best not to throw up as you ball your hands into fists, pain beginning to spiral through your leg.

"Jimin......I need to go to the hospital."

"What? Why?! Are you hurt?!"

"Please....just get me to the hospital."

You grit your teeth and feel tears springing to your eyes, your coache's gaze wide and in shock.


(A/N): I was gone while this story his 200k reads! Thank you so much, I started this story because I was inspired by the ice skaters in the Olympics 💜 Plus Jimin has always reminded me of an ice skater he's got the figure for it 💜

Thank you for loving and appreciating this story, I love every one of you and since this story is almost over, do you all have any questions so far? There's about 4-5 chapters left possibly before the end, it could be less 💜

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