Chapter 15

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Practice, was brutal.

You push your skates as fast as you can across the ice, your feet aching from the multiple jumps your coach is throwing at you.

Why is she being like this?

"Y/N! You skate like a preschooler!"

You blush hard at your coaches harsh words, pouting and plunging yoir skates deeper into the ice you prepare your body for the jump.

Okay Y/N, you can do this.

You glance over right before the jump to see Jimin staring at you, his eyesmile on full display as he gives you a thumbs up.



You smack right into the wall, instead of making the turn you needed to execute your jump, you were too busy staring at Jimin, and you are now splatted on the wall.

You hear your coach yelling at you, calling you every name in the book as you push yourself off the wall, looking down you see a red substance dripping onto the ice.

Oh shit.

You turn around and your coach screams when she sees your bloody nose, immediately you tip your head up, feeling a cool cloth set on your face.

"So I'm so handsome that now you're running into things?"

Ugh. Mega oh shit.

You look at Jimin who giggles to himself and winks at you, rolling your eyes you sigh, holding the cloth against your nose.

"You wish! You distracted me! This is your fault!"

"Eh?! My fault?! How is that I was only cheering you on!"

"The rink is supposed to be silent when someone is skating!"

"I was silent!"


You hear your coach's voice echo through the ice rink, you realize you and Jimin are right in eachother's faces, your teeth grit and jaws tight.

You pout and cross your one arm, the other still holding the cloth and Jimin does the same.

Glancing over at him, you see his plump lips turned down into a pout, his eyenrows are furrowed and his eyes are cloudy.


You feel your cheeks heat up as you avoid looking at the blonde haired boy standing in front of you, his tight black t-shirt putting his abs on full display in front of you.

Why even wear a shirt?

Y/N, get ahold of yourself.

You watch as Jimin turns towards you and huffs, his cheeks puffing out when he does so.

"It's okay...I just won't cheer you on from now on you overcooked potato."

You punch him in the arm as he laughs softly, skating away from you with his tongue stuck out.

This cheeky little.

You skate over to the side and sit on the stairs, holding the cloth up to your nose.

Man...I hope this doesn't bruise...I'm supposed to go shopping with Jungkook today...

Your cheeks heat up even more thinking about Jungkook, the way his dark ebony eyes look straight into your soul, his manly physique literally drives you insane.

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